Dr. K. BenschDr. Wei LiDr. Run ZhangDr. Miaomiao ZhouIr. Oussema ChouchenDr. Vincent RobertDr. Sergio Pérez GorjónIr. Felipe Borges dos SantosIr. Nathalie van de WieleDr. Lily EurwilaichitrDr. Supawadee IngsriswangDr. Masoomeh Ghobad-NejhadRegistrationTypificationReleasePairwise identificationPolyphasic identificationSimple searchBasic searchAdvanced searchSearch type specimensSearch thesaurusSearch bibliographyNewsForumStatisticsContact usFAQ & Help








function RadWindowprompt_detectenter(id, ev, input)

if (!ev) ev = window.event;
if (ev.keyCode == 13)

var but = input.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("A")[0];
if (but)

if (but.click) but.click();
else if (but.onclick)

but.focus(); var click = but.onclick; but.onclick = null; if (click) click.call(but);

return false;

else return true;





Open the calendar popup.


Title and navigation
Title and navigation
<<<October 2019><<

October 2019

var currentTextBox = null;
var currentDatePicker = null;

//This method is called to handle the onclick and onfocus client side events for the texbox

function showPopup(sender, e)
//this is a reference to the texbox which raised the event
currentTextBox = sender;
//To test if show calendar is necessary, we have to find the operation associated with the date
// For dates, there are 2 text boxes for values to find (TB_Search and TB_SearchTo)
// Both are associated with a radcombobox with a name of the form RCB_SearchOperation ...)
// So the following code is building the name of the RCB ...
rcbValueID = sender.id.substring(sender.id.indexOf("TB_Search"));
rcbOperID = rcbValueID;
rcbOperID = rcbOperID.replace("TB_SearchTo", "TB_Search");
rcbOperID = rcbOperID.replace("TB_", "RCB_");
rcbOperID = rcbOperID.replace("Value", "Operation");
rcbOperID = rcbOperID.replace("_text", "");
rcbOper = searchElement(rcbOperID);
if (rcbOper !== null)
if ((rcbOper.value.indexOf(dateYearIs) === -1) && (rcbOper.value.indexOf(dateMonthIs) === -1) && (rcbOper.value.indexOf(dateDayOfMonthIs) == -1))
//this gets a reference to the datepicker, which will be shown, to facilitate
//the selection of a date
var datePicker = $find("ctl00_Main_RadDatePicker1");
//this variable is used to store a reference to the date picker, which is currently
currentDatePicker = datePicker;

//this method first parses the date, that the user entered or selected, and then
//sets it as a selected date to the picker

//the code lines below show the calendar, which is used to select a date. The showPopup
//function takes three arguments - the x and/ y coordinates where to show the calendar, as
//well as its height, derived from the offsetHeight property of the textbox
var position = datePicker.getElementPosition(sender);
datePicker.showPopup(position.x, position.y + sender.offsetHeight);

//this handler is used to set the text of the TextBox to the value of selected from the popup

function dateSelected(sender, args)
if (currentTextBox !== null)
//currentTextBox is the currently selected TextBox. Its value is set to the newly selected
//value of the picker
currentTextBox.value = args.get_newValue();
document.getElementById(currentTextBox.name.replace("_text", "")).value = args.get_newValue();

//this function is used to parse the date entered or selected by the user

function parseDate(sender, e)
if (currentDatePicker !== null)
var date = currentDatePicker.get_dateInput().parseDate(sender.value);
var dateInput = currentDatePicker.get_dateInput();

if (date === null)
date = currentDatePicker.get_selectedDate();

var formattedDate = dateInput.get_dateFormatInfo().FormatDate(date, dateInput.get_displayDateFormat());
sender.value = formattedDate;

function OnAnnotationWindowClose(oWnd, args)
var isCancelled = args.get_argument().IsCancelled;
if (!isCancelled)

Search on : Mycobank

Search on : Mycobank


 Add this item to the list   Flammulina velutipes


General information

 Summary:Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer, Lilloa 22: 307 (1951) [MB#330940] 
 Synonymy:≡Agaricus velutipes Curtis, Flora londinensis: 212, t. 70 (1782) [MB#247090]
≡Gymnopus velutipes (Curtis) Gray, A natural arrangement of British plants 1: 605 (1821) [MB#486456]
≡Collybia velutipes (Curtis) P. Kumm., Der Führer in die Pilzkunde: 116 (1871) [MB#246831]
≡Pleurotus velutipes (Curtis) Quél., Flore mycologique de la France et des pays limitrophes: 334 (1888) [MB#450807]
≡Myxocollybia velutipes (Curtis) Singer, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 17: 72 (1939) [MB#301666]
≡Myxocollybia velutipes (Curtis) Singer, Annales Mycologici 41: 116 (1943) [MB#508925]
=Agaricus nigripes Bull., Herbier de la France 8: t. 344 (1788) [MB#233842]
=Agaricus veluticeps Cooke & Massee, Grevillea 18 (85): 4 (1889) [MB#372288]
=Panaeolus veluticeps Sacc., Sylloge Fungorum 9: 147 (1891) [MB#154589]
 MycoBank #:330940 
 Authors:(Curtis) Singer
 Authors (abbreviated):(Curtis) Singer
Singer, R. 1949. The Agaricales in modern taxonomy. Lilloa. 22:1-832
 Page #:307
 Year of effective publication:1951
 Name type:Combination 
 Sanctioned by:Fr. 
Sanctioning name:
Agaricus velutipes Curtis, Flora londinensis: 212, t. 70 (1782) [MB#247090]

Classification and associated taxa

Current name:
Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer, Lilloa 22: 307 (1951) [MB#330940]

Fungi, Dikarya, Basidiomycota, Agaricomycotina, Agaricomycetes, Agaricomycetidae, Agaricales, Physalacriaceae, Flammulina
14 Associated records (click to show):

14 Associated records (click to hide):

Flammulina velutipes f. brevipes, Flammulina velutipes f. longispora, Flammulina velutipes f. velutipes, Flammulina velutipes f. vinaceoroseolus, Flammulina velutipes var. campolameirana, Flammulina velutipes var. cytiseicola, Flammulina velutipes var. cytisicola, Flammulina velutipes var. filiformis, Flammulina velutipes var. himalayana, Flammulina velutipes var. lactea, Flammulina velutipes var. lupinicola, Flammulina velutipes var. pratensis, Flammulina velutipes var. radicans, Flammulina velutipes var. velutipes

Agaricus velutipes Curtis, Flora londinensis: 212, t. 70 (1782) [MB#247090]
Obligate or homotypic synonyms:

1. Agaricus velutipes Curtis, Flora londinensis: 212, t. 70 (1782) [MB#247090]

2. Collybia velutipes (Curtis) P. Kumm., Der Führer in die Pilzkunde: 116 (1871) [MB#246831]

3. Gymnopus velutipes (Curtis) Gray, A natural arrangement of British plants 1: 605 (1821) [MB#486456]

4. Myxocollybia velutipes (Curtis) Singer, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 17: 72 (1939) [MB#301666]

5. Myxocollybia velutipes (Curtis) Singer, Annales Mycologici 41: 116 (1943) [MB#508925]

6. Pleurotus velutipes (Curtis) Quél., Flore mycologique de la France et des pays limitrophes: 334 (1888) [MB#450807]

Facultative or heterotypic synonyms:

1. Agaricus nigripes Bull., Herbier de la France 8: t. 344 (1788) [MB#233842]

2. Agaricus veluticeps Cooke & Massee, Grevillea 18 (85): 4 (1889) [MB#372288]

3. Panaeolus veluticeps Sacc., Sylloge Fungorum 9: 147 (1891) [MB#154589]


Flammulina velutipes (Curt.: Fr.) Sing.

Link out to external resources

Other fungal links:

Catalogue of Life (CoL)

Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)

Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

Index Fungorum (IF)

Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)

Bibliography links:

Google Scholar



General links:





Molecular links:

BOLD Systems




Specimens and strains links:

CBS collection

FungalDC in All Russian Collection of Microorganisms (VKM)


var valueIsUndefined = document.getElementById("ctl00_Main_HF_ValueIsUndefined").value;
var dateIsInTheRange = document.getElementById("ctl00_Main_HF_DateIsInTheRange").value;
var dateYearIs = document.getElementById("ctl00_Main_HF_DateYearIs").value;
var dateMonthIs = document.getElementById("ctl00_Main_HF_DateMonthIs").value;
var dateDayOfMonthIs = document.getElementById("ctl00_Main_HF_DateDayOfMonthIs").value;
// This function Hides the value textbox on Search Query Field if Operation = 'value is undefined'
function RCBOperationChange(item)
// Get the Operation object name to derivate the Value object name
var rcbOperID = item.get_id();
// Get the short ID: strip the generated prefix
rcbOperID = rcbOperID.substring(rcbOperID.indexOf("RCB_SearchOper"));
// Derivate the short Value ID: RCB_.SearchOperation... -> TB_.SearchValue...
var rcbValueID = rcbOperID;
rcbValueID = rcbValueID.replace("Operation", "Value");
var tbvalueID = rcbValueID;
tbvalueID = tbvalueID.replace("RCB_", "TB_");
if (item !== null)
// Manage SearchValue: set the textbox (or combobox) value invisible if operation = ValueisUndefined
tbValue = searchElement(tbvalueID);
// Get the span tag container http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/aspnet-ajax/input/style-of-dateinput-on-the-client.aspx
if (tbValue !== null)
var spanId = document.getElementById(tbValue.id.replace("_text", "_wrapper"));
if (item._value.indexOf(valueIsUndefined) !== -1)
spanId.style.display = "none";
spanId.style.display = "inline";

rcbValue = searchElement(rcbValueID);
var ddlId = document.getElementById(rcbValue.id.replace("_text", "_wrapper"));
if (item._value.indexOf(valueIsUndefined) !== -1)
ddlId.style.display = "none";
ddlId.style.display = "block";

// Additional customisation for ToValue
TBTovalueChange(item, tbvalueID);

// Specific Search
// Manage DateTo for SSearch or ASearch: let a second field appear for Date if operation = IsInTheRange

function TBTovalueChange(item, tbvalueID)
// Derivate the short DateTo ID
var tbToValueID = tbvalueID.replace("Value", "ToValue");
var tbToValue = searchElement(tbToValueID);
if (tbToValue !== null)
// Get the span tag container http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/aspnet-ajax/input/style-of-dateinput-on-the-client.aspx
var spanId = document.getElementById(tbToValue.id.concat("_wrapper"));
if (item._value.indexOf(dateIsInTheRange) !== -1)
spanId.style.display = "";
spanId.style.display = "none";

// Validation for dates
function validateDate(sender, e)
rcbValueID = sender.id.substring(sender.id.indexOf("TB_SearchValue"));
rcbOperID = rcbValueID.replace("TB_", "RCB_");
rcbOperID = rcbOperID.replace("Value", "Operation");
rcbOperID = rcbOperID.replace("_text", "");
rcbOper = searchElement(rcbOperID);
if (rcbOper !== null)
if (rcbOper.value.indexOf(dateYearIs) !== -1)
if (rcbOper.value.indexOf(dateMonthIs) !== -1)
if (rcbOper.value.indexOf(dateDayOfMonthIs) !== -1)

function ValidateYear(sender)
currentTb = sender;
if (parseInt(currentTb.value) === currentTb.value)
var value = parseInt(currentTb.value);
if (value 2100) currentTb.value = 2100;

else currentTb.value = "";

function ValidateMonth(sender)
currentTb = sender;
if (parseInt(currentTb.value) == currentTb.value)
var value = parseInt(currentTb.value);
if (value 12) currentTb.value = 12;

else currentTb.value = "";

function ValidateDay(sender)
currentTb = sender;
if (parseInt(currentTb.value) == currentTb.value)
var value = parseInt(currentTb.value);
if (value 31) currentTb.value = 31;

else currentTb.value = "";

// Postback management functions

var postbackFlag = true;

function OnClientCommand(sender, eventArgs)
postbackFlag = true;

// Set the postbackFlag=false to change the Partial Postback into a full Postback when necessary

function RM_Search_OnClientItemClicking(sender, eventArgs) eventArgs.get_item().get_value().indexOf("Cond") != -1)
postbackFlag = false;

// Open a help window: basic or advanced search
if (eventArgs.get_item().get_value() == "hlpSearch")
var menu = $find("ctl00_Main_RM_Search");
var menuItem = menu.findItemByValue("SearchMode");
var searchBasicTitle = 'Basic Search';
if (menuItem.get_text().indexOf(searchBasicTitle) != -1)

// Set the postbackFlag=false to change the Partial Postback into a full Postback when necessary

function RM_SearchResults_OnClientItemClicking(sender, eventArgs)

function requestStart(sender, eventArgs)
postbackFlag = true;

// Simulate Search on Enter key ... see RTB_Value.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "clickSearch()")
// As event fired on any key pressed, first check if well enterkey

function clickSearch(e)
var keycode;
//distinguish between IE's and Firefox
if (window.event) keycode = window.event.keyCode; // IE's explicit event object (window.event)
else if (e) keycode = e.which; // Firefox's implicit.
return true;
if (keycode == 13)
var menu = $find("ctl00_Main_RM_Search");
var menuItem = menu.findItemByValue("Search");
// window.location.hash = '#Page=1';

// Start search if click on Search icon in raddock
function startSearching()
var menu = $find("ctl00_Main_RM_Search");
var menuItem = menu.findItemByValue("Search");

// RM_SearchResults Group Expand/Collapse

var hiddengroupsExpanded = document.getElementById("ctl00_Main_HF_GroupsDefaultExpanded");
if (hiddengroupsExpanded.value == "False")
groupsExpanded = false;
groupsExpanded = true;

function toggleExpand()
var rmMenuOptions;
var items;
var i;
var expandText = 'Expand titles';
var collapseText = 'Collapse titles';
if (groupsExpanded)
groupsExpanded = false;
rmMenuOptions = $find('ctl00_Main_RM_SearchResults');
items = rmMenuOptions.get_items();
for (i = 0; i < items.get_count() ; i++)
if (items.getItem(i).get_text().indexOf(collapseText) != -1)

groupsExpanded = true;
rmMenuOptions = $find('ctl00_Main_RM_SearchResults');
items = rmMenuOptions.get_items();
for (i = 0; i < items.get_count() ; i++)
if (items.getItem(i).get_text().indexOf(expandText) != -1)

function RPB_SearchOptions_Collapse(sender, eventArgs)
var RPB_SearchOptions = sender;
var expandText = 'Search conditions';
expandText += ' ' + '(click to expand)';

function RPB_SearchOptions_Expand(sender, eventArgs)
var RPB_SearchOptions = sender;
var collapseText = 'Search conditions';
collapseText += ' ' + '(click to collapse)';

function clickButtons(className)
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i = 0, length = inputs.length; i < length; i++) input.type == "button") && input.className == className)

// Open a window with alert message after timeout expired

function displayTimeOut(url)
var target = url;
var openWind = radalert("Your Session has timed out; please click OK to continue ...", 300, 200, "BioloMICS Alert");
openWind.add_close(function ()
window.location = target;

// RadDock Close command

function CloseRadDock(dockId)
var dock = $find(dockId);
var isClosed = dock.get_closed();

function OpenTaxonWizard(recordWizardUrl)
window.location = recordWizardUrl;

// Fields annotations functions

//function openAnnotationEditorWin(recordId, annotationRecordId, tableId, fieldId, fieldType, targetTableId, fieldValue, fieldComment)
//var url = "BioloMICSFieldAnnotationsEditor.aspx?recordId=" + recordId + "&annotationRecordId=" + annotationRecordId + "&tableId=" + tableId + "&fieldId=" + fieldId + "&fieldType=" + fieldType + "&targetTableId=" + targetTableId + "&fieldValue=" + fieldValue + "&fieldComment=" + fieldComment;
function openAnnotationEditorWin()
var url = "BioloMICSFieldAnnotationsEditor.aspx";
var oManager = window.GetRadWindowManager();
var oWnd = oManager.GetWindowByName("AnnotationsEditorWin");
oWnd.SetSize(500, 600);
return false;

function deleteFieldAnnotation(id, recordId, fieldId)
var url = "controls/BioloMICSDeleteFieldAnnotationHandler.ashx?id=" + id;
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: "",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (result)
if (result)
var args = new Object();
args.RecordId = recordId;
args.FieldId = fieldId;
sticky: true,
position: 'middle-right',
text: 'Annotation was not deleted.
Please check that you have suffisant privileges to perform the deletion.',
type: 'error'

error: function (result)
sticky: true,
position: 'middle-right',
text: 'An error occured while deleting the annotation.',
type: 'error'


function validateFieldAnnotation(recordId)
type: 'GET',
url: 'controls/BioloMICSAnnotationValidator.ashx?recordId=' + recordId,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data)
if (data == true)
sticky: true,
position: 'middle-right',
text: 'An error occured while updating record!
Please try again or contact administrator.',
type: 'error'

error: function (data)
sticky: true,
position: 'middle-right',
text: 'An error occured while updating record!
Please try again or contact administrator.',
type: 'error'
data: ,
async: false

function voteForAnnotation(recordId, value, lbliker, lbdisliker)
var src = 'Controls/BioloMICSAnnotationVoteHandler.ashx';
$.getJSON(src + "?recordId=" + recordId + "&vote=" + value, function (data, textStatus)
if (textStatus == 'success')
if (data.length == 2)
var likers = data[0];
var dislikers = data[1];

alert('vote failed.');


function redirectToLogin()
//window.location = "Register.aspx";
//return false;
title: 'Search on ',
onSuccess: function ()

return false;

function redirectToRegister()
window.location = "Register.aspx";
return false;

function showLogin(sender, updateFooterButton)
caller: sender,
onSuccess: function (userName)
var menu = $find("ctl00_RadMenu1");
var menuItem = menu.findItemByText('Unknown user');
if (menuItem)
menuItem.set_text('Welcome' + ' ' + userName);

title: 'Search on '
return false;

function onRcbFilterByClientIndexChanged(sender, eventArgs)
var webUser;
var index = sender.get_selectedIndex();
if (index == 1)
type: "POST",
url: "./Register.aspx/GetRegisteredUserName",
data: "",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (result)
webUser = result.d;

if (!webUser)
caller: sender,
onSuccess: function ()
title: 'Search on '
__doPostBack(sender.get_id(), '');

__doPostBack(sender.get_id(), '');

function refreshFieldAnnotationPanel()
__doPostBack('ctl00_Main_AnnotationToolTipManagerRTMPanel', '');

function updateAnnotationCount(args)
type: 'GET',
url: 'controls/BioloMICSAnnotationCounter.ashx?recordId=' + args.RecordId + '&fieldId=' + args.FieldId,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (result, status)
if (status == 'success')
if (result.Succeeded)
var divAnnotation = $('#' + args.FieldId);
if (result.AnnotationCount > 0)
var divAnnotationCount = $("

//display error if needed

error: function (result, status)
data: ,
async: true

function updateNullFieldsVisiblity()
var visible = document.getElementById("chbViewNullFields").checked;
type: 'GET',
url: 'controls/BioloMICSUpdateNullFieldsVisibility.ashx?visible=' + visible,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data)
if (data == true)
sticky: true,
position: 'middle-right',
text: 'An error occured while updating null fields visibility!
Please try again or contact administrator.',
type: 'error'

error: function (data)
sticky: true,
position: 'middle-right',
text: 'An error occured while updating null fields visibility!
Please try again or contact administrator.',
type: 'error'
data: ,
cache: false,
async: false

$(document).ready(function ()

function loadSlider()

// function addParameter(parameter, value)
// //Get Query String from url
// fullQString = window.location.search.substring(1);
// paramCount = 0;
// queryStringComplete = "?";

// if(fullQString.length > 0)
// //Split Query String into separate parameters
// paramArray = fullQString.split("&");
// //Loop through params, check if parameter exists.
// for (i=0;i 0)
// queryStringComplete = queryStringComplete + "&";
// queryStringComplete = queryStringComplete + paramArray[i];
// paramCount++;
// //Add/Update query string if required.
// if(paramCount == 0)
// queryStringComplete = queryStringComplete + parameter + "=" + value;
// else
// queryStringComplete = queryStringComplete + "&" + parameter + "=" + value;
// window.location = self.location.protocol + '//' + self.location.host + self.location.pathname + queryStringComplete;

// -->

var aesKey = "7061737323313233";
var aesIv = "7061737323313233";
setEncrytionKeys(aesKey, aesIv);

// Get the current language; otherwise set "Eng" as default
//var cLanguage = document.getElementById("ctl00_HF_Language");
//var cLangStr = "Eng";
//if (cLanguage != null)
// cLangStr = cLanguage.value;
// Search the website function
// 1) via click on search icon
function searchWebSiteClicked(elemId)
var searchValue = document.getElementsByName(elemId);
window.location.href("BioloMICSSearchWebSite.aspx?Keyword=" + searchValue[0].value);
return false;

// Search the website function
// 2) via enter on textbox
// RadTextBox version
function clickSearchWebSite(sender, e)
var keycode;
keycode = e.get_keyCode();
if (keycode == 13)
window.location.href("BioloMICSSearchWebSite.aspx?Keyword=" + sender._textBoxElement.value);

function OpenPage(page)

window.location.replace(page + "?id=1");

function OpenUserPage(page)

window.location.replace(page + "?id=0");

function open_HelpField(fieldKey)
radopen('BioloMICSFieldsHelp.aspx?TargetKey=' + fieldKey, 'hlpField');

function open_HelpFunction(helpFile)
// Open a help window
radopen('BioloMICSFieldsHelp.aspx?HelpSrc=' + helpFile, 'hlpFunction');

var nav = $(".menuBiolomics").children().first().children().first();
var btnHtml = "

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