
Showing posts from October 30, 2019

You see a boat filled with people [closed]Who/What am I? A Riddle to my dearIf you can see sharpSee me once, see me twice #5See me once, See me Twice #7What happened to the boat?You can see me, but you can not look at mePeople love, but hate to see meSee me once, See me Twice #12

What is the type of English used in the King James Bible called? How to deal with a 6 year old who was "caught" cheating? Peano's dot notation Why the real and imaginary parts of a complex analytic function are not independent? How can I prevent side-channel attacks against authentication? Can I say: “The train departs at 16 past every hour“? /etc/shadow permissions security best practice (000 vs. 600 vs. 640) There are polygons with only right angles which have an odd number of corners how can I enforce the prohibition on love potions? What does "2 fingers to Scotland" mean in Peter Grant's statement about Johnson not listening to the SNP's Westminster leader speeches? What are the reasons OR industry projects fail? Is SSH key with passphrase a 2FA How do you link two checking accounts from two different banks in two different countries? Would the US government of the 1960’s be able to feasibly recreate a modern laptop? Body