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Film & Television
More at Film & Television

Israeli spy's widow 'hurt' by Netflix biopic, but welcomes publicity

Nadia Cohen

Comedy about Hitler wins Toronto film festival's Oscar-bellwether award

Reuters, 15:13 , 09.16.19

The tale of a terrible summer, 'Our Boys' is punch to Israel's gut

Amir Bogen, 23:42 , 08.19.19

New Netflix film retells story of Israel's rescue of Ethiopian Jews

Associated Press, 20:32 , 07.30.19

Third season of Israeli hit 'Fauda' ventures into the Gaza Strip

Associated Press, 09:47 , 06.07.19

Israeli director wins Oscar with movie 'Skin'

Inna Tokar, Amir Bogen, 07:44 , 02.25.19

Film & Television
More at Film & Television

Israeli spy's widow 'hurt' by Netflix biopic, but welcomes publicity

Reuters, 20:23 , 10.07.19

Nadia Cohen

Comedy about Hitler wins Toronto film festival's Oscar-bellwether award

Reuters, 15:13 , 09.16.19

מתוך "ג'וג'ו ראביט

The tale of a terrible summer, 'Our Boys' is punch to Israel's gut

Amir Bogen, 23:42 , 08.19.19

New Netflix film retells story of Israel's rescue of Ethiopian Jews

Associated Press, 20:32 , 07.30.19

Red Sea Diving Resort

Third season of Israeli hit 'Fauda' ventures into the Gaza Strip

Associated Press, 09:47 , 06.07.19

An actor waits for his scene on the set of Israel's hit TV show "Fauda," in Tel Aviv, May 30, 2019

Israeli director wins Oscar with movie 'Skin'

Inna Tokar, Amir Bogen, 07:44 , 02.25.19

גיא נתיב זוכה באוסקר

More Music

Sorry not sorry: Pop star Demi Lovato in Israel row

דמי לובאטו ישראל

Iceland fined for pro-Palestinian Eurovision protest

AFP, 20:08 , 09.22.19

Rare combo: Religious Jew takes jazz music scene by storm

Yulia Karra, 18:38 , 08.03.19

JLo takes Tel Aviv by storm

Danit Tzamit anf Yael Bir-Katz, 22:55 , 08.01.19

VIDEO: JLo rehearses ahead of Tel Aviv show

Ran Boker, 20:21 , 07.31.19

Jennifer Lopez lands in Israel in her first ever visit to the country

Ran Boker, 17:33 , 07.30.19

More Music

Sorry not sorry: Pop star Demi Lovato in Israel row

Ynet, 15:21 , 10.03.19

דמי לובאטו ישראל

Iceland fined for pro-Palestinian Eurovision protest

AFP, 20:08 , 09.22.19

איסלנד דגל פלסטין מתחם אקספו אירוויזיון האירוויזיון תל אביב 2019

Rare combo: Religious Jew takes jazz music scene by storm

Yulia Karra, 18:38 , 08.03.19

Daniel Zamir

JLo takes Tel Aviv by storm

Danit Tzamit anf Yael Bir-Katz, 22:55 , 08.01.19

ג'ניפר לופז בפארק הירקון

VIDEO: JLo rehearses ahead of Tel Aviv show

Ran Boker, 20:21 , 07.31.19

ג'ניפר לופז פארק הירקון

Jennifer Lopez lands in Israel in her first ever visit to the country

Ran Boker, 17:33 , 07.30.19

ג'ניפר לופז בישראל

Art & Theater
More Art & Theater

Louis C.K. to return to Israel after sexual misconduct scandal

לואי סי קיי

Drag shows and hardcore punk - Jerusalem's underground nightlife is thriving

Reuters, 12:16 , 09.08.19

Superheroes, Israeli style

Ynet, 11:03 , 08.01.19

Israeli religious female artist wins prestigious art prize

Attila Somfalvi , 15:07 , 07.29.19

Russia edition of book by famed Israeli author skips Putin criticism but slams Trump

Yuval Plotkin, 15:26 , 07.23.19

Ethiopian Israeli musicians use stage to promote struggles

Associated Press, 14:23 , 07.12.19

Art & Theater
More Art & Theater

Louis C.K. to return to Israel after sexual misconduct scandal

Ynet, 23:07 , 09.24.19

לואי סי קיי

Drag shows and hardcore punk - Jerusalem's underground nightlife is thriving

Reuters, 12:16 , 09.08.19

People party at the Mazkeka art center, Jerusalem

Superheroes, Israeli style

Ynet, 11:03 , 08.01.19

Bibi as Thanos

Israeli religious female artist wins prestigious art prize

Attila Somfalvi , 15:07 , 07.29.19

Livnat Bashari receives prize

Russia edition of book by famed Israeli author skips Putin criticism but slams Trump

Yuval Plotkin, 15:26 , 07.23.19

יובל נח הררי

Ethiopian Israeli musicians use stage to promote struggles

Associated Press, 14:23 , 07.12.19

טדי נגוסה באולפן ynet

More Lifestyle

Seven sweet spots for summer treats

Seven Sweet Spots for Summer Treats

Indian longevity

Buzzy Gordon, 18:21 , 08.11.19

Drinking and dining in Tel Aviv’s top hotels

Buzzy Gordon, 14:39 , 07.28.19

Summer dining: Five great beach bars and restaurants

By Buzzy Gordon, 16:32 , 07.22.19

Transgender Bedouin Israeli makes splash in SodaStream campaign

Attila Somfalvi and Alexandra Lukash, 20:37 , 07.13.19

Five great kosher restaurants in Jerusalem

Buzzy Gordon, 17:22 , 07.09.19

More Lifestyle

Seven sweet spots for summer treats

Buzzy Gordon, 21:20 , 08.21.19

Seven Sweet Spots for Summer Treats

Indian longevity

Buzzy Gordon, 18:21 , 08.11.19

Lamb chops at Tandoori

Drinking and dining in Tel Aviv’s top hotels

Buzzy Gordon, 14:39 , 07.28.19

Thai food at the Sheraton

Summer dining: Five great beach bars and restaurants

By Buzzy Gordon, 16:32 , 07.22.19

Al Hamayim

Transgender Bedouin Israeli makes splash in SodaStream campaign

Attila Somfalvi and Alexandra Lukash, 20:37 , 07.13.19

לילה בלילת בקמפיין של סודה סטרים

Five great kosher restaurants in Jerusalem

Buzzy Gordon, 17:22 , 07.09.19

andalucia jerusalem

More Sports

For the first time - Israeli baseball team qualifies for Olympics

נבחרת ישראל

Chelsea Women's team to play Israeli national squad in Petah Tikva

Yaniv Halily, 22:09 , 08.19.19

From amputee to Israel's martial arts champion

Arie Maliniak, 13:21 , 07.20.19

Iranian team will compete against Israelis in Olympic Judo competitions

Oren Aharoni, 10:48 , 05.12.19

Para-Olympian rower to be honored on Israel's Independence Day

Oren Aharoni, 11:48 , 04.18.19

Syrian flag placed opposite Knesset as gesture of goodwill

Yael Freidson, 14:26 , 03.13.19

More Sports

For the first time - Israeli baseball team qualifies for Olympics

Associated Press, 22:04 , 09.22.19

נבחרת ישראל

Chelsea Women's team to play Israeli national squad in Petah Tikva

Yaniv Halily, 22:09 , 08.19.19

Anita Asante of Chelsea FC Women

From amputee to Israel's martial arts champion

Arie Maliniak, 13:21 , 07.20.19

אסף יסעור עם המדליה

Iranian team will compete against Israelis in Olympic Judo competitions

Oren Aharoni, 10:48 , 05.12.19

שגיא מוקי

Para-Olympian rower to be honored on Israel's Independence Day

Oren Aharoni, 11:48 , 04.18.19

מורן סמואל

Syrian flag placed opposite Knesset as gesture of goodwill

Yael Freidson, 14:26 , 03.13.19

דגל סוריה מול הכנסת

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