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Eftermath o Warld War IAustrick-HungaryUmwhile kintras in EuropeStates an territories established in 1867States an territories disestablished in 1918

monarchic unionAustrian EmpireKinrick o HungaryCentral EuropeAusgleich or Compromise o 1867Hoose o HabsburgDual MonarchyFirst Warld War


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Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
Ether names

Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie (de)
Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia (hu)


Banner o Austrick-Hungary



Imperial & Royal Coat o airms

Motto: Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter
"Indivisible and Inseparable"

Anthem: None
Imperial anthem

Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze / Unsern Kaiser, unser Land!
"God preserve, God protect / Our Emperor, our kintra!"

The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1914.
The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1914.

Vienna (main caipital) an Budapest
Lairgest ceety
Vienna= 1 623 538 fowk Budapest= 1 612 902 fowk
Common leids
Offeecial leids:[1]
German, Hungarian, Czech, Polish, Ukrainian, Romanian, Croatie, Italian, Serbie
Unoffeecial leids:
Slovak, Slovene, Bosnian, Rusyn, Yiddish

Roman Catholic; also Protestant, Eastren Orthodoxy, Judaism, an Sunni Islam (efter the annexation o Bosnie)
Constitutional monarchy, personal union through the Dual Monarchy



• 1867–1916

Francis Joseph I
• 1916–1918

Charles I & IV


• 1867

Friedrich von Beust (first)
• 1918

Heinrich Lammasch (last)

Prime Minister

• 1867–1871

Gyula Andrássy (first)
• 1918

János Hadik (last)

Imperial Council,
Diet o Hungary
• Upper house

Hoose o Magnates
• Lower house

Hoose o Representatives
Historical era
New Imperialism / Warld War I

• 1867 Compromise

1 Mairch 1867
• Dissolution

31 October 1918

676,615 km2 (261,243 sq mi)

• 1914


Krone (frae 1892)

Precedit bi

Succeedit bi

Austrian Empire

Republic o German-Austrick

Hungarian Democratic Republic

First Czechoslovak Republic

West Ukrainian Fowk's Republic

Seicont Polish Republic

State o Slovenes, Croats an Serbs

Kinrick o Serbie

Kinrick o Italy

1) Treaty o Saint-Germain signed 10 September 1919 an the Treaty o Trianon signed 4 Juin 1920.

Austrick-Hungary or Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, an aa kent as the Dual Monarchy or the k.u.k. Monarchy, wis a monarchic union atween the crouns o the Austrian Empire an the Kinrick o Hungary in Central Europe. The union wis a result o the Ausgleich or Compromise o 1867, unner which the Austrian Hoose o Habsburg agreed tae share pouer wi the separate Hungarian government, dividin the territory o the umwhile Austrian Empire atween them. The Dual Monarchy haed existit for 51 years when it dissolved on October 31, 1918 follaein military defeat in the First Warld War.

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  1. [1]

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