(Gill, 1865)

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Tapirus bairdii 

(Gill, 1865)
Taxonomic Serial No.: 624997

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Tapirus bairdii

TSN 624997

 Taxonomy and Nomenclature

  Kingdom: Animalia  
  Taxonomic Rank: Species  
  Common Name(s):Central American tapir [English]
  Baird's Tapir [English]
 Valid Name:
Tapirella bairdii (Gill, 1865)
Taxonomic Status:

  Current Standing: invalid
- subsequent name/combination 
Data Quality Indicators:

Record Credibility Rating:

verified - standards met




Peter Grubb
 Notes:35 Downhills Park Road, London N17 6PE, England  
 Reference for:
Tapirus bairdii  
Other Source(s):

Checklist of CITES Species Part 1 CITES species index, CD-ROM (version 2011)
 Notes:UNEP-WCMC (Comps.) 2011. Checklist of CITES species (CD-ROM). CITES Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland, and UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, United Kingdom. ISBN 2-88323-030-7. Available online at http://www.cites.org/eng/resources/pub/checklist11/index.html or from CITES Secretariat, Chemin des Anmones, 1219 Chtelaine, Genve, Switzerland  
 Reference for:
Tapirus bairdii 

Checklist of CITES species: Index of CITES species, document (version 2013)
 Notes:UNEP-WCMC (Comps.) 2013. Checklist of CITES species. CITES Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland, and UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Available online at http://checklist.cites.org/  
 Reference for:
Tapirus bairdii 

Groves, Colin, and Peter Grubb
 Publication Date:2011  
 Article/Chapter Title:  
 Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.:Ungulate Taxonomy  
 Page(s):ix + 317  
 Publisher:Johns Hopkins University Press  
 Publication Place:Baltimore, Maryland, USA  
 Reference for:
Tapirus bairdii 

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
 Publication Date:1974  
 Article/Chapter Title:Taking, Possession, Transportation, Sale, Purchase, Barter, Exportation, and Importation of Wildlife  
 Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.:Federal Register, vol. 39, no. 3  
 Publication Place:  
 Reference for:
Tapirus bairdii, Central American tapir [English] 

Wilson, Don E., and DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds.
 Publication Date:1993  
 Article/Chapter Title:  
 Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.:Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 2nd ed., 3rd printing  
 Page(s):xviii + 1207  
 Publisher:Smithsonian Institution Press  
 Publication Place:Washington, DC, USA  
 Notes:Corrections were made to text at 3rd printing  
 Reference for:
Tapirus bairdii 

Wilson, Don E., and DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds.
 Publication Date:2005  
 Article/Chapter Title:  
 Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.:Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3rd ed., vols. 1 & 2  
 Publisher:Johns Hopkins University Press  
 Publication Place:Baltimore, Maryland  
 Reference for:
Tapirus bairdii, Baird's Tapir [English] 

Wilson, Don E., and F. Russell Cole
 Publication Date:2000  
 Article/Chapter Title:  
 Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.:Common Names of Mammals of the World  
 Page(s):xiv + 204  
 Publisher:Smithsonian Institution Press  
 Publication Place:Washington, DC, USA  
 Notes:With contributions by Bernadette N. Graham, Adam P. Potter, and Mariana M. Upmeyer  
 Reference for:
Tapirus bairdii, Baird's Tapir [English] 

 Geographic Information

Geographic Division:
Middle America 
  South America 
Mexico, Native 




  Comment:US ESA: Listed Endangered, included in the U.S. List of Endangered Foreign Fish and Wildlife, as published in Federal Register Volume 39, Number 3, Pages 1158 - 1185, January 04, 1974 
  Comments: Revised by Hershkovitz (1954)   CITES: Appendix I under Tapiridae, per 2013 Checklist of CITES species: Index of CITES species published with amendments to the Appendices and changes in standard scientific nomenclature following the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (Bangkok, 2013). For current status see CITES.org 



//Array variable to store data returned from SOLR server
var dataArray=[];

* @description: javascript callback function which will be called after asynchronous call to SOLR
* @param: SOLR Data
function on_SubordinateTaxaReturn(data)

var docs = data.facet_counts.facet_pivot.product;
var groupDoc = data.grouped.rankID.groups;
var suboradinateTaxa = 0;
var rank = "";
var verifiedStandardsMet =0;
var verifiedMinStandardsMet = 0;
var unverified = 0;
var unverifiedReview = 0;
var credibility="";
var outTable = "";
var rankName="";
var totalVerifiedStandardsMet=0;
var totalVerifiedMinStandardsMet=0;
var totalUnverified=0;
var arrayIndex=0;
var percentStandardsMet="";
var offSiteSources=[];
//the number of rank objects returned from the solr query
var totalNumberOfRanks = docs.length;
//The rank of the item for which the subordinate taxa is being calculated
var searchTermRank = "220";
var pieChartConfig = [];

var dataExists = false;

//HTML Table header
outTable += "";
outTable += "";
outTable += "";
outTable += "
outTable += " ";
outTable += " ";
outTable += "";
rank = docs[rankIndex].value;

//Make sure not to include the results for the rank of the search term in the generated results.
if(Number(rank) > Number(searchTermRank))
for(j=0; j 0)

//keep a running tally of verifiedMinStandardsMet and totalVerifiedMinStandardsMet
if(docs[rankIndex].pivot[j].value.trim().toUpperCase() ==="Minimum taxonomic/nomenclature review".toUpperCase())
verifiedMinStandardsMet = docs[rankIndex].pivot[j].count;

//keep a running tally of verifiedStandardsMet and totalVerifiedStandardsMet
if(docs[rankIndex].pivot[j].value.trim().toUpperCase() ==="TWG standards met".toUpperCase())
verifiedStandardsMet = docs[rankIndex].pivot[j].count;

//keep a running tally of unverified and totalUnverified
if(docs[rankIndex].pivot[j].value.trim().toUpperCase() ==="No review; untreated NODC data".toUpperCase())

//keep a running tally of unverified and totalUnverified
if(docs[rankIndex].pivot[j].value.trim().toUpperCase() === "No review; non-peer reviewed source".toUpperCase())

percentStandardsMet = docs[rankIndex].pivot[j].value;

for(var a=0;a 0)

dataArray[arrayIndex] = new SubordinateTaxa(rank,rankName,verifiedStandardsMet,verifiedMinStandardsMet,unverified+unverifiedReview,percentStandardsMet);;

} //END of SOLR data parsing
if (dataExists)
//SORT DATA based on Rank ID by ascending order

for(var arrayNewIndex = 0;arrayNewIndex<dataArray.length;arrayNewIndex++)
outTable += generateSubordinateTaxaColumnTD("Subordinate Taxa", dataArray[arrayNewIndex].rankName, dataArray[arrayNewIndex].taxonomicTotal);

outTable += "";
//Subordinate Taxa Column
outTable += generateSubordinateTaxaColumnTD("Subordinate Taxa", "ALL", (totalVerifiedStandardsMet + totalVerifiedMinStandardsMet + totalUnverified));
outTable += "
outTable += " ";
outTable += "
 Subordinate Taxa";
outTable += "
outTable += "
 Verified Standards Met ";
outTable += "
 Verified Min Standards Met";
outTable += "
outTable += "
Percent Standards Met";

//Parse SOLR document to get the related data to array
for(var rankIndex = 0; rankIndex 0)
outTable += "
" + dataArray[arrayNewIndex].rankName + "";

//hyperlink the data
outTable += generateSubordinateTaxaColumnTD("TWG standards met", dataArray[arrayNewIndex].rankName, dataArray[arrayNewIndex].standardsMet);
//just display the data
outTable += "
" + dataArray[arrayNewIndex].standardsMet + "";
//hyperlink the data
outTable += generateSubordinateTaxaColumnTD("Minimum taxonomic/nomenclature review", dataArray[arrayNewIndex].rankName, dataArray[arrayNewIndex].minStandardsMet)
//just display the data
outTable += "
" + dataArray[arrayNewIndex].minStandardsMet + "";
//hyperlink the data
outTable += generateSubordinateTaxaColumnTD("Unverified", dataArray[arrayNewIndex].rankName, dataArray[arrayNewIndex].unverified)
//just display the data
outTable += "
" + dataArray[arrayNewIndex].unverified + "";

//Chart should appear in this column
outTable += "
outTable += "";
var configuration =
id: 'percentStandardsMet' + dataArray[arrayNewIndex].rankName,
data: [["Verified Standards Met", dataArray[arrayNewIndex].standardsMet],
["Verified Min. Standards Met", dataArray[arrayNewIndex].minStandardsMet],
["Unverified", dataArray[arrayNewIndex].unverified]

pieChartConfig.push (configuration);

//Generate and Display "All" row of the table:
if( (totalVerifiedStandardsMet + totalVerifiedMinStandardsMet + totalUnverified) > 0)
outTable += "
ALL ";

//Verified Standards Met Column
outTable += generateSubordinateTaxaColumnTD("TWG standards met", "ALL", totalVerifiedStandardsMet);
outTable += "
" + totalVerifiedStandardsMet + ""

//Verified Minimum Standards Met Column
outTable += generateSubordinateTaxaColumnTD("Minimum taxonomic/nomenclature review", "ALL", totalVerifiedMinStandardsMet);
outTable += "
" + totalVerifiedMinStandardsMet + ""

//Unverified Column
outTable += generateSubordinateTaxaColumnTD("Unverified", "ALL", totalUnverified);
outTable += "
" + totalUnverified + ""

//Chart should appear in this column
outTable += "
outTable += "";
var configuration =
id: 'percentStandardsMetAll',
data: [
["Verified Standards Met", totalVerifiedStandardsMet],
["Verified Min. Standards Met", totalVerifiedMinStandardsMet],
["Unverified", totalUnverified]
pieChartConfig.push (configuration);

//Data doesn't exist
outTable += "
outTable += "
outTable += "

outTable += "";
outTable += "";
outTable += "";
outTable += "";
outTable += "";

" + outTable + "");

if (dataExists)



* Description: generates a C3 pie chart for a given container and dataset.
* @param: configurations: A javascript array that contains objects cotainerName, an array of[data to plot]
* @returns none
function generatePieChart(pieChartConfig)
//generate a chart for each configuration:
for (var configIndex = 0; configIndex < pieChartConfig.length; configIndex++)
var chartConfiguration = createPieChartConfig("#" + pieChartConfig[configIndex].id, pieChartConfig[configIndex].data);

* Description: builds the column for the subordinate taxa table. This includes building the hyperlink to generate the valid taxa list for the rank.
* @param: percentStandardsMet
* @param: rankName
* @param: column (string) data that is visible to the user as the clickable hyperlink.
* @returns a string which defines a table cell in the subordinate taxa table.
function generateSubordinateTaxaColumnTD(percentStandardsMet, rankName, columnData)
return "
" + columnData + "";

* @description: function to create SOLR query and return data to be processed
function on_searchSubordinateTaxa()

var url = ITIS_SOLR+'/?q=hierarchyTSN:(*$624997$*)&group=true&group.field=rankID&rows=-1&fl=rankID,rank&fq=usage:(valid or accepted)&wt=json&facet=true&facet.pivot=!key=productrankID,credibilityRating&facet.pivot.mincount=0&facet.limit=-1&callback=?&json.wrf=on_SubordinateTaxaReturn';

* @description: Dynamically generates the Subordinate Taxa Table header.
* @param : none
* @return: none
function generateSubordinateTaxaTblHeader()
url = ITIS_SOLR +'/?q=tsn:(624997)&wt=json';

//Generate The Results Header and get the data for the header if
var taxaHeading = " " + data.response.docs[0].rank + " " + formatRankName(data.response.docs[0].nameWOInd,data.response.docs[0].rankID);
if (hasTaxonAuthor(data.response.docs[0].taxonAuthor) > 0)
taxaHeading += " " + formatTaxonAuthor(data.response.docs[0].taxonAuthor) + " contains:";
taxaHeading += " contains:";


console.error("houston we have a problem generating the initial Subordinate Taxa Table Header.");
console.log("always executes. put clean up code in here");

//initially generate the table header for the given search
//issue a solr query to generate the subordinate taxa table.

 Subordinate Taxa  Rank  Verified Standards Met  Verified Min Standards Met  Unverified
Percent Standards Met

A gray graphic bar
Search on:

 Any Name or TSN

 Common Name

 Scientific Name


Archaea  Kingdom
starting with
ending with  


to Advanced Search and Report

ITIS taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available,
and is provided as a general reference source for interested parties.
However, it is not a legal authority for statutory or regulatory purposes.
While every effort has been made to provide the most reliable and up-to-date
information available, ultimate legal requirements with respect to species
are contained in provisions of treaties to which the United States is a
party, wildlife statutes, regulations, and any applicable notices that have
been published in the Federal Register. For further information on U.S.
legal requirements with respect to protected taxa, please contact the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

A gray bar


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