Runtime too long for NDSolveValue, FindRoot breaks down at sharp turnsFinding and plotting roots with parameterStuck in solving two variables from two expressionsSolution of Coupled second-order ODEs and plot the diagramAvoiding divide by zero to simplify an expression enough to solveexact solution to this differential equation in mathematicaHow to use DEigensystem with periodic boundary conditions on the derivative?why Mathematica gives zero as eigenvalue for $y''+lambda y=0$ for these boundary conditions?how to obtain solution for $u_t+u=u_xx$Numerically evaluating and plotting functions involving complete Elliptic integralsSolving for three parameters from a matrix equation and storing them in separate variables

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Runtime too long for NDSolveValue, FindRoot breaks down at sharp turns

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I have two equations:

frac23thinspaceleft(fracvarepsilonDeltaright)^frac32=sum_i=1,2 sigma_ilambda_ileft(1+lambda_i^2right)^frac14Eleft(fracpi2,k_iright)+sum_i=1,2 sigma_i frac(1+lambda_i^2)^1/4 2 ( lambda_i+sqrt1+lambda_i^2 ) F(fracpi2, k_i )


sqrtDeltasum_i=1,2biggl[-left(1+lambda_i^2right)^frac14Eleft(fracpi2,k_iright)+fracFleft(fracpi2,k_iright)2left(1+lambda_i^2right)^frac14left( lambda_i +
frac1sqrt1+lambda_i^2+lambda_i right)biggr]=sum_i=1,2biggl[-left(1+widetildelambda_i^2right)^frac14Eleft(fracpi2,widetildek_iright)+fracFleft(fracpi2,widetildek_iright)2left(1+widetildelambda_i^2right)^frac14left(widetildelambda_i+frac1sqrt1+widetildelambda_i^2+widetildelambda_i right)biggr]

where $sigma_1=1$, $sigma_2=-1$,
$k_i^2=fracsqrt1+lambda_i^2+lambda_i2sqrtleft(1+lambda_i^2right)$ for $i=1,2$ with $lambda_1equiv fracmu-Delta_0Delta$, $lambda_2equiv frac-Delta_0-muDelta $, $widetildek_i^2=fracsqrt1+widetildelambda_i^2+widetildelambda_i2sqrtleft(1+widetildelambda_i^2right)$ for $i=1,2$ with $widetildelambda_1equiv mu$, $widetildelambda_2equiv -mu $. $F(fracpi2,k)$ and $E(fracpi2,k)$ are the complete elliptic integral of the first and the second kind respectively which in Mathematica are EllipticK[] and EllipticE[]. In the code below $mu$, $Delta_0$, $Delta$, $varepsilon$ are represented by u, o, d, e.

By first converting those two equations in the form of differential equations and then using NDSolveValue to obtain plots of $Delta$ and $mu$ as a function of $Delta_0$ at $varepsilon=0.001$, I encounter the error:

lambda1[u_, o_, d_] := (u - o)/d;
lambda2[u_, o_, d_] := (-u - o)/d;
k1sq[u_, o_, d_] := (Sqrt[1 + ((lambda1[u, o, d])^2)] + lambda1[u, o, d])/(2*(Sqrt[1 + ((lambda1[u, o, d])^2)]));
k2sq[u_, o_, d_] := (Sqrt[1 + ((lambda2[u, o, d])^2)] + lambda2[u, o, d])/(2*(Sqrt[1 + ((lambda2[u, o, d])^2)]));
a1[u_, o_, d_] := (1 + (lambda1[u, o, d])^2)^(1/4);
a2[u_, o_, d_] := (1 + (lambda2[u, o, d])^2)^(1/4);
b1[u_, o_, d_] := Sqrt[1 + (lambda1[u, o, d])^2] + lambda1[u, o, d];
b2[u_, o_, d_] := Sqrt[1 + (lambda2[u, o, d])^2] + lambda2[u, o, d];

equat1[u_, o_, d_, e_] =
(2/3)*(((e)/d)^(3/2)) == ((lambda1[u, o, d]*a1[u, o, d]*EllipticE[k1sq[u, o, d]])
-((lambda1[u, o, d]*EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a1[u, o, d]*b1[u, o, d]))+
((EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a1[u, o, d])) -
(lambda2[u, o, d]*a2[u, o, d]* EllipticE[k2sq[u, o, d]])
+ ((lambda2[u, o, d]*EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a2[u, o, d]*b2[u, o, d]))-
((EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a2[u, o, d])));

equat2[u_, o_, d_] =
Sqrt[d]*(((lambda1[u, o, d])*
EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]]/(2*a1[u, o, d])) - (a1[u, o, d]*
k1sq[u, o, d]]) + ((EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a1[u, o, d]*
b1[u, o, d])) + ((lambda2[u, o, d])*
EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]]/(2*a2[u, o, d])) - (a2[u, o, d]*
k2sq[u, o, d]]) + ((EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a2[u, o, d]*
b2[u, o, d]))) == ((lambda1[u, 0, 1])*
EllipticK[k1sq[u, 0, 1]]/(2*a1[u, 0, 1])) - (a1[u, 0, 1]*
k1sq[u, 0, 1]]) + ((EllipticK[k1sq[u, 0, 1]])/(2*a1[u, 0, 1]*
b1[u, 0, 1])) + ((lambda2[u, 0, 1])*
EllipticK[k2sq[u, 0, 1]]/(2*a2[u, 0, 1])) - (a2[u, 0, 1]*
k2sq[u, 0, 1]]) + ((EllipticK[k2sq[u, 0, 1]])/(2*a2[u, 0, 1]*
b2[u, 0, 1]));

dk, uk = d, u /. FindRoot[equat2[u, o, d], equat1[u, o, d, .001] /. o -> 0, d, .5, u, .1];

dsolk, usolk =
NDSolveValue[D[equat2[u, o, d] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
D[equat1[u, o, d, .001] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
u[0] == uk, d[0] == dk, d, u, o, 0, 1,
Method -> "EquationSimplification" -> "Residual"];

Plot[dsolk[t], usolk[t], t, 0, 1, PlotRange -> -.1, 1.1, Frame -> True]

NDSolveValue::mxst: Maximum number of 100000 steps reached at the point o == 0.6097033678408679`.

enter image description here

I expect the blue curve ($Delta$) to continue levelling off and the yellow curve ($mu$) to continue increasing. Increasing MaxSteps->Infinity probably helps but the run-time took too long to evaluate and I gave up. Eventually, I will be obtaining these plots for different values of $varepsilon$ and so increasing the run-time by increasing MaxSteps does not seem to be the way to go.

Using FindRoot directly gives somwhat the plot I want and the run-time is relatively shorter, but fails around the sharp turn at $Delta_0=0.29$ and throws the error:

FindRoot[equat2[u, o, d],
equat1[u, o, d, .001], d, .5, u, .1], o, 0, 1, .001];
ListPlot[Transpose@%, DataRange -> 0, 1, Joined -> True,
AxesLabel -> o, "d, u",
LabelStyle -> Directive[Bold, Black, Medium], ImageSize -> Large]

FindRoot::lstol: The line search decreased the step size to within tolerance specified by AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal but was unable to find a sufficient decrease in the merit function. You may need more than MachinePrecision digits of working precision to meet these tolerances.

enter image description here

share|improve this question




    I have two equations:

    frac23thinspaceleft(fracvarepsilonDeltaright)^frac32=sum_i=1,2 sigma_ilambda_ileft(1+lambda_i^2right)^frac14Eleft(fracpi2,k_iright)+sum_i=1,2 sigma_i frac(1+lambda_i^2)^1/4 2 ( lambda_i+sqrt1+lambda_i^2 ) F(fracpi2, k_i )


    sqrtDeltasum_i=1,2biggl[-left(1+lambda_i^2right)^frac14Eleft(fracpi2,k_iright)+fracFleft(fracpi2,k_iright)2left(1+lambda_i^2right)^frac14left( lambda_i +
    frac1sqrt1+lambda_i^2+lambda_i right)biggr]=sum_i=1,2biggl[-left(1+widetildelambda_i^2right)^frac14Eleft(fracpi2,widetildek_iright)+fracFleft(fracpi2,widetildek_iright)2left(1+widetildelambda_i^2right)^frac14left(widetildelambda_i+frac1sqrt1+widetildelambda_i^2+widetildelambda_i right)biggr]

    where $sigma_1=1$, $sigma_2=-1$,
    $k_i^2=fracsqrt1+lambda_i^2+lambda_i2sqrtleft(1+lambda_i^2right)$ for $i=1,2$ with $lambda_1equiv fracmu-Delta_0Delta$, $lambda_2equiv frac-Delta_0-muDelta $, $widetildek_i^2=fracsqrt1+widetildelambda_i^2+widetildelambda_i2sqrtleft(1+widetildelambda_i^2right)$ for $i=1,2$ with $widetildelambda_1equiv mu$, $widetildelambda_2equiv -mu $. $F(fracpi2,k)$ and $E(fracpi2,k)$ are the complete elliptic integral of the first and the second kind respectively which in Mathematica are EllipticK[] and EllipticE[]. In the code below $mu$, $Delta_0$, $Delta$, $varepsilon$ are represented by u, o, d, e.

    By first converting those two equations in the form of differential equations and then using NDSolveValue to obtain plots of $Delta$ and $mu$ as a function of $Delta_0$ at $varepsilon=0.001$, I encounter the error:

    lambda1[u_, o_, d_] := (u - o)/d;
    lambda2[u_, o_, d_] := (-u - o)/d;
    k1sq[u_, o_, d_] := (Sqrt[1 + ((lambda1[u, o, d])^2)] + lambda1[u, o, d])/(2*(Sqrt[1 + ((lambda1[u, o, d])^2)]));
    k2sq[u_, o_, d_] := (Sqrt[1 + ((lambda2[u, o, d])^2)] + lambda2[u, o, d])/(2*(Sqrt[1 + ((lambda2[u, o, d])^2)]));
    a1[u_, o_, d_] := (1 + (lambda1[u, o, d])^2)^(1/4);
    a2[u_, o_, d_] := (1 + (lambda2[u, o, d])^2)^(1/4);
    b1[u_, o_, d_] := Sqrt[1 + (lambda1[u, o, d])^2] + lambda1[u, o, d];
    b2[u_, o_, d_] := Sqrt[1 + (lambda2[u, o, d])^2] + lambda2[u, o, d];

    equat1[u_, o_, d_, e_] =
    (2/3)*(((e)/d)^(3/2)) == ((lambda1[u, o, d]*a1[u, o, d]*EllipticE[k1sq[u, o, d]])
    -((lambda1[u, o, d]*EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a1[u, o, d]*b1[u, o, d]))+
    ((EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a1[u, o, d])) -
    (lambda2[u, o, d]*a2[u, o, d]* EllipticE[k2sq[u, o, d]])
    + ((lambda2[u, o, d]*EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a2[u, o, d]*b2[u, o, d]))-
    ((EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a2[u, o, d])));

    equat2[u_, o_, d_] =
    Sqrt[d]*(((lambda1[u, o, d])*
    EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]]/(2*a1[u, o, d])) - (a1[u, o, d]*
    k1sq[u, o, d]]) + ((EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a1[u, o, d]*
    b1[u, o, d])) + ((lambda2[u, o, d])*
    EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]]/(2*a2[u, o, d])) - (a2[u, o, d]*
    k2sq[u, o, d]]) + ((EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a2[u, o, d]*
    b2[u, o, d]))) == ((lambda1[u, 0, 1])*
    EllipticK[k1sq[u, 0, 1]]/(2*a1[u, 0, 1])) - (a1[u, 0, 1]*
    k1sq[u, 0, 1]]) + ((EllipticK[k1sq[u, 0, 1]])/(2*a1[u, 0, 1]*
    b1[u, 0, 1])) + ((lambda2[u, 0, 1])*
    EllipticK[k2sq[u, 0, 1]]/(2*a2[u, 0, 1])) - (a2[u, 0, 1]*
    k2sq[u, 0, 1]]) + ((EllipticK[k2sq[u, 0, 1]])/(2*a2[u, 0, 1]*
    b2[u, 0, 1]));

    dk, uk = d, u /. FindRoot[equat2[u, o, d], equat1[u, o, d, .001] /. o -> 0, d, .5, u, .1];

    dsolk, usolk =
    NDSolveValue[D[equat2[u, o, d] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
    D[equat1[u, o, d, .001] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
    u[0] == uk, d[0] == dk, d, u, o, 0, 1,
    Method -> "EquationSimplification" -> "Residual"];

    Plot[dsolk[t], usolk[t], t, 0, 1, PlotRange -> -.1, 1.1, Frame -> True]

    NDSolveValue::mxst: Maximum number of 100000 steps reached at the point o == 0.6097033678408679`.

    enter image description here

    I expect the blue curve ($Delta$) to continue levelling off and the yellow curve ($mu$) to continue increasing. Increasing MaxSteps->Infinity probably helps but the run-time took too long to evaluate and I gave up. Eventually, I will be obtaining these plots for different values of $varepsilon$ and so increasing the run-time by increasing MaxSteps does not seem to be the way to go.

    Using FindRoot directly gives somwhat the plot I want and the run-time is relatively shorter, but fails around the sharp turn at $Delta_0=0.29$ and throws the error:

    FindRoot[equat2[u, o, d],
    equat1[u, o, d, .001], d, .5, u, .1], o, 0, 1, .001];
    ListPlot[Transpose@%, DataRange -> 0, 1, Joined -> True,
    AxesLabel -> o, "d, u",
    LabelStyle -> Directive[Bold, Black, Medium], ImageSize -> Large]

    FindRoot::lstol: The line search decreased the step size to within tolerance specified by AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal but was unable to find a sufficient decrease in the merit function. You may need more than MachinePrecision digits of working precision to meet these tolerances.

    enter image description here

    share|improve this question






      I have two equations:

      frac23thinspaceleft(fracvarepsilonDeltaright)^frac32=sum_i=1,2 sigma_ilambda_ileft(1+lambda_i^2right)^frac14Eleft(fracpi2,k_iright)+sum_i=1,2 sigma_i frac(1+lambda_i^2)^1/4 2 ( lambda_i+sqrt1+lambda_i^2 ) F(fracpi2, k_i )


      sqrtDeltasum_i=1,2biggl[-left(1+lambda_i^2right)^frac14Eleft(fracpi2,k_iright)+fracFleft(fracpi2,k_iright)2left(1+lambda_i^2right)^frac14left( lambda_i +
      frac1sqrt1+lambda_i^2+lambda_i right)biggr]=sum_i=1,2biggl[-left(1+widetildelambda_i^2right)^frac14Eleft(fracpi2,widetildek_iright)+fracFleft(fracpi2,widetildek_iright)2left(1+widetildelambda_i^2right)^frac14left(widetildelambda_i+frac1sqrt1+widetildelambda_i^2+widetildelambda_i right)biggr]

      where $sigma_1=1$, $sigma_2=-1$,
      $k_i^2=fracsqrt1+lambda_i^2+lambda_i2sqrtleft(1+lambda_i^2right)$ for $i=1,2$ with $lambda_1equiv fracmu-Delta_0Delta$, $lambda_2equiv frac-Delta_0-muDelta $, $widetildek_i^2=fracsqrt1+widetildelambda_i^2+widetildelambda_i2sqrtleft(1+widetildelambda_i^2right)$ for $i=1,2$ with $widetildelambda_1equiv mu$, $widetildelambda_2equiv -mu $. $F(fracpi2,k)$ and $E(fracpi2,k)$ are the complete elliptic integral of the first and the second kind respectively which in Mathematica are EllipticK[] and EllipticE[]. In the code below $mu$, $Delta_0$, $Delta$, $varepsilon$ are represented by u, o, d, e.

      By first converting those two equations in the form of differential equations and then using NDSolveValue to obtain plots of $Delta$ and $mu$ as a function of $Delta_0$ at $varepsilon=0.001$, I encounter the error:

      lambda1[u_, o_, d_] := (u - o)/d;
      lambda2[u_, o_, d_] := (-u - o)/d;
      k1sq[u_, o_, d_] := (Sqrt[1 + ((lambda1[u, o, d])^2)] + lambda1[u, o, d])/(2*(Sqrt[1 + ((lambda1[u, o, d])^2)]));
      k2sq[u_, o_, d_] := (Sqrt[1 + ((lambda2[u, o, d])^2)] + lambda2[u, o, d])/(2*(Sqrt[1 + ((lambda2[u, o, d])^2)]));
      a1[u_, o_, d_] := (1 + (lambda1[u, o, d])^2)^(1/4);
      a2[u_, o_, d_] := (1 + (lambda2[u, o, d])^2)^(1/4);
      b1[u_, o_, d_] := Sqrt[1 + (lambda1[u, o, d])^2] + lambda1[u, o, d];
      b2[u_, o_, d_] := Sqrt[1 + (lambda2[u, o, d])^2] + lambda2[u, o, d];

      equat1[u_, o_, d_, e_] =
      (2/3)*(((e)/d)^(3/2)) == ((lambda1[u, o, d]*a1[u, o, d]*EllipticE[k1sq[u, o, d]])
      -((lambda1[u, o, d]*EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a1[u, o, d]*b1[u, o, d]))+
      ((EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a1[u, o, d])) -
      (lambda2[u, o, d]*a2[u, o, d]* EllipticE[k2sq[u, o, d]])
      + ((lambda2[u, o, d]*EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a2[u, o, d]*b2[u, o, d]))-
      ((EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a2[u, o, d])));

      equat2[u_, o_, d_] =
      Sqrt[d]*(((lambda1[u, o, d])*
      EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]]/(2*a1[u, o, d])) - (a1[u, o, d]*
      k1sq[u, o, d]]) + ((EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a1[u, o, d]*
      b1[u, o, d])) + ((lambda2[u, o, d])*
      EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]]/(2*a2[u, o, d])) - (a2[u, o, d]*
      k2sq[u, o, d]]) + ((EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a2[u, o, d]*
      b2[u, o, d]))) == ((lambda1[u, 0, 1])*
      EllipticK[k1sq[u, 0, 1]]/(2*a1[u, 0, 1])) - (a1[u, 0, 1]*
      k1sq[u, 0, 1]]) + ((EllipticK[k1sq[u, 0, 1]])/(2*a1[u, 0, 1]*
      b1[u, 0, 1])) + ((lambda2[u, 0, 1])*
      EllipticK[k2sq[u, 0, 1]]/(2*a2[u, 0, 1])) - (a2[u, 0, 1]*
      k2sq[u, 0, 1]]) + ((EllipticK[k2sq[u, 0, 1]])/(2*a2[u, 0, 1]*
      b2[u, 0, 1]));

      dk, uk = d, u /. FindRoot[equat2[u, o, d], equat1[u, o, d, .001] /. o -> 0, d, .5, u, .1];

      dsolk, usolk =
      NDSolveValue[D[equat2[u, o, d] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
      D[equat1[u, o, d, .001] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
      u[0] == uk, d[0] == dk, d, u, o, 0, 1,
      Method -> "EquationSimplification" -> "Residual"];

      Plot[dsolk[t], usolk[t], t, 0, 1, PlotRange -> -.1, 1.1, Frame -> True]

      NDSolveValue::mxst: Maximum number of 100000 steps reached at the point o == 0.6097033678408679`.

      enter image description here

      I expect the blue curve ($Delta$) to continue levelling off and the yellow curve ($mu$) to continue increasing. Increasing MaxSteps->Infinity probably helps but the run-time took too long to evaluate and I gave up. Eventually, I will be obtaining these plots for different values of $varepsilon$ and so increasing the run-time by increasing MaxSteps does not seem to be the way to go.

      Using FindRoot directly gives somwhat the plot I want and the run-time is relatively shorter, but fails around the sharp turn at $Delta_0=0.29$ and throws the error:

      FindRoot[equat2[u, o, d],
      equat1[u, o, d, .001], d, .5, u, .1], o, 0, 1, .001];
      ListPlot[Transpose@%, DataRange -> 0, 1, Joined -> True,
      AxesLabel -> o, "d, u",
      LabelStyle -> Directive[Bold, Black, Medium], ImageSize -> Large]

      FindRoot::lstol: The line search decreased the step size to within tolerance specified by AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal but was unable to find a sufficient decrease in the merit function. You may need more than MachinePrecision digits of working precision to meet these tolerances.

      enter image description here

      share|improve this question


      I have two equations:

      frac23thinspaceleft(fracvarepsilonDeltaright)^frac32=sum_i=1,2 sigma_ilambda_ileft(1+lambda_i^2right)^frac14Eleft(fracpi2,k_iright)+sum_i=1,2 sigma_i frac(1+lambda_i^2)^1/4 2 ( lambda_i+sqrt1+lambda_i^2 ) F(fracpi2, k_i )


      sqrtDeltasum_i=1,2biggl[-left(1+lambda_i^2right)^frac14Eleft(fracpi2,k_iright)+fracFleft(fracpi2,k_iright)2left(1+lambda_i^2right)^frac14left( lambda_i +
      frac1sqrt1+lambda_i^2+lambda_i right)biggr]=sum_i=1,2biggl[-left(1+widetildelambda_i^2right)^frac14Eleft(fracpi2,widetildek_iright)+fracFleft(fracpi2,widetildek_iright)2left(1+widetildelambda_i^2right)^frac14left(widetildelambda_i+frac1sqrt1+widetildelambda_i^2+widetildelambda_i right)biggr]

      where $sigma_1=1$, $sigma_2=-1$,
      $k_i^2=fracsqrt1+lambda_i^2+lambda_i2sqrtleft(1+lambda_i^2right)$ for $i=1,2$ with $lambda_1equiv fracmu-Delta_0Delta$, $lambda_2equiv frac-Delta_0-muDelta $, $widetildek_i^2=fracsqrt1+widetildelambda_i^2+widetildelambda_i2sqrtleft(1+widetildelambda_i^2right)$ for $i=1,2$ with $widetildelambda_1equiv mu$, $widetildelambda_2equiv -mu $. $F(fracpi2,k)$ and $E(fracpi2,k)$ are the complete elliptic integral of the first and the second kind respectively which in Mathematica are EllipticK[] and EllipticE[]. In the code below $mu$, $Delta_0$, $Delta$, $varepsilon$ are represented by u, o, d, e.

      By first converting those two equations in the form of differential equations and then using NDSolveValue to obtain plots of $Delta$ and $mu$ as a function of $Delta_0$ at $varepsilon=0.001$, I encounter the error:

      lambda1[u_, o_, d_] := (u - o)/d;
      lambda2[u_, o_, d_] := (-u - o)/d;
      k1sq[u_, o_, d_] := (Sqrt[1 + ((lambda1[u, o, d])^2)] + lambda1[u, o, d])/(2*(Sqrt[1 + ((lambda1[u, o, d])^2)]));
      k2sq[u_, o_, d_] := (Sqrt[1 + ((lambda2[u, o, d])^2)] + lambda2[u, o, d])/(2*(Sqrt[1 + ((lambda2[u, o, d])^2)]));
      a1[u_, o_, d_] := (1 + (lambda1[u, o, d])^2)^(1/4);
      a2[u_, o_, d_] := (1 + (lambda2[u, o, d])^2)^(1/4);
      b1[u_, o_, d_] := Sqrt[1 + (lambda1[u, o, d])^2] + lambda1[u, o, d];
      b2[u_, o_, d_] := Sqrt[1 + (lambda2[u, o, d])^2] + lambda2[u, o, d];

      equat1[u_, o_, d_, e_] =
      (2/3)*(((e)/d)^(3/2)) == ((lambda1[u, o, d]*a1[u, o, d]*EllipticE[k1sq[u, o, d]])
      -((lambda1[u, o, d]*EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a1[u, o, d]*b1[u, o, d]))+
      ((EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a1[u, o, d])) -
      (lambda2[u, o, d]*a2[u, o, d]* EllipticE[k2sq[u, o, d]])
      + ((lambda2[u, o, d]*EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a2[u, o, d]*b2[u, o, d]))-
      ((EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a2[u, o, d])));

      equat2[u_, o_, d_] =
      Sqrt[d]*(((lambda1[u, o, d])*
      EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]]/(2*a1[u, o, d])) - (a1[u, o, d]*
      k1sq[u, o, d]]) + ((EllipticK[k1sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a1[u, o, d]*
      b1[u, o, d])) + ((lambda2[u, o, d])*
      EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]]/(2*a2[u, o, d])) - (a2[u, o, d]*
      k2sq[u, o, d]]) + ((EllipticK[k2sq[u, o, d]])/(2*a2[u, o, d]*
      b2[u, o, d]))) == ((lambda1[u, 0, 1])*
      EllipticK[k1sq[u, 0, 1]]/(2*a1[u, 0, 1])) - (a1[u, 0, 1]*
      k1sq[u, 0, 1]]) + ((EllipticK[k1sq[u, 0, 1]])/(2*a1[u, 0, 1]*
      b1[u, 0, 1])) + ((lambda2[u, 0, 1])*
      EllipticK[k2sq[u, 0, 1]]/(2*a2[u, 0, 1])) - (a2[u, 0, 1]*
      k2sq[u, 0, 1]]) + ((EllipticK[k2sq[u, 0, 1]])/(2*a2[u, 0, 1]*
      b2[u, 0, 1]));

      dk, uk = d, u /. FindRoot[equat2[u, o, d], equat1[u, o, d, .001] /. o -> 0, d, .5, u, .1];

      dsolk, usolk =
      NDSolveValue[D[equat2[u, o, d] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
      D[equat1[u, o, d, .001] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
      u[0] == uk, d[0] == dk, d, u, o, 0, 1,
      Method -> "EquationSimplification" -> "Residual"];

      Plot[dsolk[t], usolk[t], t, 0, 1, PlotRange -> -.1, 1.1, Frame -> True]

      NDSolveValue::mxst: Maximum number of 100000 steps reached at the point o == 0.6097033678408679`.

      enter image description here

      I expect the blue curve ($Delta$) to continue levelling off and the yellow curve ($mu$) to continue increasing. Increasing MaxSteps->Infinity probably helps but the run-time took too long to evaluate and I gave up. Eventually, I will be obtaining these plots for different values of $varepsilon$ and so increasing the run-time by increasing MaxSteps does not seem to be the way to go.

      Using FindRoot directly gives somwhat the plot I want and the run-time is relatively shorter, but fails around the sharp turn at $Delta_0=0.29$ and throws the error:

      FindRoot[equat2[u, o, d],
      equat1[u, o, d, .001], d, .5, u, .1], o, 0, 1, .001];
      ListPlot[Transpose@%, DataRange -> 0, 1, Joined -> True,
      AxesLabel -> o, "d, u",
      LabelStyle -> Directive[Bold, Black, Medium], ImageSize -> Large]

      FindRoot::lstol: The line search decreased the step size to within tolerance specified by AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal but was unable to find a sufficient decrease in the merit function. You may need more than MachinePrecision digits of working precision to meet these tolerances.

      enter image description here

      plotting differential-equations equation-solving

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 8 hours ago


      asked 8 hours ago


      285 bronze badges

      285 bronze badges

          1 Answer






          I think the problem is a 0/0 term somewhere in the expression for equat2[] that arises at the time the integration begins to fail, from around 0.60 to 0.62. This causes numeric noise in computing u'[o], which leads to NDSolve[] thinking there's an error. A common factor can be eliminated for o -> 0 via Simplify. I let Simplify run for a several minutes on general o to no avail. So I resorted to Limit, which is slow. To resolve the issue, I needed higher WorkingPrecision, so I had to avoid Method -> "EquationSimplification" -> "Residual", which can only be used with the machine-precision IDA method. I also replaced the parameter e value 0.001 with 1/1000 to avoid machine precision. I timed all the time-consuming computations.

          dk, uk = d, u /. 
          FindRoot[equat2[u, o, d], equat1[u, o, d, 1/1000] /.
          o -> 0, d, .5, u, .1, WorkingPrecision -> 100];

          newODE = First@Solve[
          D[equat2[u, o, d] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
          D[equat1[u, o, d, 1/1000] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
          d'[o], u'[o]
          ] /. Rule -> Equal; // AbsoluteTiming
          (* 7.57532, Null *)

          uprime[o1_?NumericQ, d1_, u1_] := Block[o,
          newODE[[2, 2]] /. d[o] -> d1, u[o] -> u1, o -> o1,
          Limit[newODE[[2, 2]] /. d[o] -> d1, u[o] -> u1, o -> o1],
          Power::infy, Infinity::indet],
          Power::infy, Infinity::indet]

          newODE2 = First@newODE, u'[o] == uprime[o, d[o], u[o]];

          nlim = 0;
          dsolk, usolk =
          NDSolveValue[newODE2, u[0] == uk, d[0] == dk, d, u, o, 0, 1,
          PrecisionGoal -> 8, AccuracyGoal -> 8,
          WorkingPrecision -> 50]; // AbsoluteTiming
          99.1584, Null
          3 <-- number of times Limit[] was called

          ListLinePlot@dsolk, usolk

          enter image description here

          In sum, equat2[] is numerically ill-conditioned in places. Perhaps simplification can help, or manual analysis, although the equations are too unwieldy for a quick look-see. However, I don't have any more time to look into it or the FindRoot problem, which is likely to be related, at this point.

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Note also that the total number of steps according to dsolk@"Grid" // Length is only 264.
            – Michael E2
            4 hours ago

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer












          I think the problem is a 0/0 term somewhere in the expression for equat2[] that arises at the time the integration begins to fail, from around 0.60 to 0.62. This causes numeric noise in computing u'[o], which leads to NDSolve[] thinking there's an error. A common factor can be eliminated for o -> 0 via Simplify. I let Simplify run for a several minutes on general o to no avail. So I resorted to Limit, which is slow. To resolve the issue, I needed higher WorkingPrecision, so I had to avoid Method -> "EquationSimplification" -> "Residual", which can only be used with the machine-precision IDA method. I also replaced the parameter e value 0.001 with 1/1000 to avoid machine precision. I timed all the time-consuming computations.

          dk, uk = d, u /. 
          FindRoot[equat2[u, o, d], equat1[u, o, d, 1/1000] /.
          o -> 0, d, .5, u, .1, WorkingPrecision -> 100];

          newODE = First@Solve[
          D[equat2[u, o, d] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
          D[equat1[u, o, d, 1/1000] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
          d'[o], u'[o]
          ] /. Rule -> Equal; // AbsoluteTiming
          (* 7.57532, Null *)

          uprime[o1_?NumericQ, d1_, u1_] := Block[o,
          newODE[[2, 2]] /. d[o] -> d1, u[o] -> u1, o -> o1,
          Limit[newODE[[2, 2]] /. d[o] -> d1, u[o] -> u1, o -> o1],
          Power::infy, Infinity::indet],
          Power::infy, Infinity::indet]

          newODE2 = First@newODE, u'[o] == uprime[o, d[o], u[o]];

          nlim = 0;
          dsolk, usolk =
          NDSolveValue[newODE2, u[0] == uk, d[0] == dk, d, u, o, 0, 1,
          PrecisionGoal -> 8, AccuracyGoal -> 8,
          WorkingPrecision -> 50]; // AbsoluteTiming
          99.1584, Null
          3 <-- number of times Limit[] was called

          ListLinePlot@dsolk, usolk

          enter image description here

          In sum, equat2[] is numerically ill-conditioned in places. Perhaps simplification can help, or manual analysis, although the equations are too unwieldy for a quick look-see. However, I don't have any more time to look into it or the FindRoot problem, which is likely to be related, at this point.

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Note also that the total number of steps according to dsolk@"Grid" // Length is only 264.
            – Michael E2
            4 hours ago



          I think the problem is a 0/0 term somewhere in the expression for equat2[] that arises at the time the integration begins to fail, from around 0.60 to 0.62. This causes numeric noise in computing u'[o], which leads to NDSolve[] thinking there's an error. A common factor can be eliminated for o -> 0 via Simplify. I let Simplify run for a several minutes on general o to no avail. So I resorted to Limit, which is slow. To resolve the issue, I needed higher WorkingPrecision, so I had to avoid Method -> "EquationSimplification" -> "Residual", which can only be used with the machine-precision IDA method. I also replaced the parameter e value 0.001 with 1/1000 to avoid machine precision. I timed all the time-consuming computations.

          dk, uk = d, u /. 
          FindRoot[equat2[u, o, d], equat1[u, o, d, 1/1000] /.
          o -> 0, d, .5, u, .1, WorkingPrecision -> 100];

          newODE = First@Solve[
          D[equat2[u, o, d] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
          D[equat1[u, o, d, 1/1000] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
          d'[o], u'[o]
          ] /. Rule -> Equal; // AbsoluteTiming
          (* 7.57532, Null *)

          uprime[o1_?NumericQ, d1_, u1_] := Block[o,
          newODE[[2, 2]] /. d[o] -> d1, u[o] -> u1, o -> o1,
          Limit[newODE[[2, 2]] /. d[o] -> d1, u[o] -> u1, o -> o1],
          Power::infy, Infinity::indet],
          Power::infy, Infinity::indet]

          newODE2 = First@newODE, u'[o] == uprime[o, d[o], u[o]];

          nlim = 0;
          dsolk, usolk =
          NDSolveValue[newODE2, u[0] == uk, d[0] == dk, d, u, o, 0, 1,
          PrecisionGoal -> 8, AccuracyGoal -> 8,
          WorkingPrecision -> 50]; // AbsoluteTiming
          99.1584, Null
          3 <-- number of times Limit[] was called

          ListLinePlot@dsolk, usolk

          enter image description here

          In sum, equat2[] is numerically ill-conditioned in places. Perhaps simplification can help, or manual analysis, although the equations are too unwieldy for a quick look-see. However, I don't have any more time to look into it or the FindRoot problem, which is likely to be related, at this point.

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Note also that the total number of steps according to dsolk@"Grid" // Length is only 264.
            – Michael E2
            4 hours ago





          I think the problem is a 0/0 term somewhere in the expression for equat2[] that arises at the time the integration begins to fail, from around 0.60 to 0.62. This causes numeric noise in computing u'[o], which leads to NDSolve[] thinking there's an error. A common factor can be eliminated for o -> 0 via Simplify. I let Simplify run for a several minutes on general o to no avail. So I resorted to Limit, which is slow. To resolve the issue, I needed higher WorkingPrecision, so I had to avoid Method -> "EquationSimplification" -> "Residual", which can only be used with the machine-precision IDA method. I also replaced the parameter e value 0.001 with 1/1000 to avoid machine precision. I timed all the time-consuming computations.

          dk, uk = d, u /. 
          FindRoot[equat2[u, o, d], equat1[u, o, d, 1/1000] /.
          o -> 0, d, .5, u, .1, WorkingPrecision -> 100];

          newODE = First@Solve[
          D[equat2[u, o, d] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
          D[equat1[u, o, d, 1/1000] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
          d'[o], u'[o]
          ] /. Rule -> Equal; // AbsoluteTiming
          (* 7.57532, Null *)

          uprime[o1_?NumericQ, d1_, u1_] := Block[o,
          newODE[[2, 2]] /. d[o] -> d1, u[o] -> u1, o -> o1,
          Limit[newODE[[2, 2]] /. d[o] -> d1, u[o] -> u1, o -> o1],
          Power::infy, Infinity::indet],
          Power::infy, Infinity::indet]

          newODE2 = First@newODE, u'[o] == uprime[o, d[o], u[o]];

          nlim = 0;
          dsolk, usolk =
          NDSolveValue[newODE2, u[0] == uk, d[0] == dk, d, u, o, 0, 1,
          PrecisionGoal -> 8, AccuracyGoal -> 8,
          WorkingPrecision -> 50]; // AbsoluteTiming
          99.1584, Null
          3 <-- number of times Limit[] was called

          ListLinePlot@dsolk, usolk

          enter image description here

          In sum, equat2[] is numerically ill-conditioned in places. Perhaps simplification can help, or manual analysis, although the equations are too unwieldy for a quick look-see. However, I don't have any more time to look into it or the FindRoot problem, which is likely to be related, at this point.

          share|improve this answer


          I think the problem is a 0/0 term somewhere in the expression for equat2[] that arises at the time the integration begins to fail, from around 0.60 to 0.62. This causes numeric noise in computing u'[o], which leads to NDSolve[] thinking there's an error. A common factor can be eliminated for o -> 0 via Simplify. I let Simplify run for a several minutes on general o to no avail. So I resorted to Limit, which is slow. To resolve the issue, I needed higher WorkingPrecision, so I had to avoid Method -> "EquationSimplification" -> "Residual", which can only be used with the machine-precision IDA method. I also replaced the parameter e value 0.001 with 1/1000 to avoid machine precision. I timed all the time-consuming computations.

          dk, uk = d, u /. 
          FindRoot[equat2[u, o, d], equat1[u, o, d, 1/1000] /.
          o -> 0, d, .5, u, .1, WorkingPrecision -> 100];

          newODE = First@Solve[
          D[equat2[u, o, d] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
          D[equat1[u, o, d, 1/1000] /. d -> d[o], u -> u[o], o],
          d'[o], u'[o]
          ] /. Rule -> Equal; // AbsoluteTiming
          (* 7.57532, Null *)

          uprime[o1_?NumericQ, d1_, u1_] := Block[o,
          newODE[[2, 2]] /. d[o] -> d1, u[o] -> u1, o -> o1,
          Limit[newODE[[2, 2]] /. d[o] -> d1, u[o] -> u1, o -> o1],
          Power::infy, Infinity::indet],
          Power::infy, Infinity::indet]

          newODE2 = First@newODE, u'[o] == uprime[o, d[o], u[o]];

          nlim = 0;
          dsolk, usolk =
          NDSolveValue[newODE2, u[0] == uk, d[0] == dk, d, u, o, 0, 1,
          PrecisionGoal -> 8, AccuracyGoal -> 8,
          WorkingPrecision -> 50]; // AbsoluteTiming
          99.1584, Null
          3 <-- number of times Limit[] was called

          ListLinePlot@dsolk, usolk

          enter image description here

          In sum, equat2[] is numerically ill-conditioned in places. Perhaps simplification can help, or manual analysis, although the equations are too unwieldy for a quick look-see. However, I don't have any more time to look into it or the FindRoot problem, which is likely to be related, at this point.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered 5 hours ago

          Michael E2Michael E2

          154k12 gold badges211 silver badges500 bronze badges

          154k12 gold badges211 silver badges500 bronze badges

          • $begingroup$
            Note also that the total number of steps according to dsolk@"Grid" // Length is only 264.
            – Michael E2
            4 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Note also that the total number of steps according to dsolk@"Grid" // Length is only 264.
            – Michael E2
            4 hours ago

          Note also that the total number of steps according to dsolk@"Grid" // Length is only 264.
          – Michael E2
          4 hours ago

          Note also that the total number of steps according to dsolk@"Grid" // Length is only 264.
          – Michael E2
          4 hours ago

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          draft discarded

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