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Category:Leadore, Idaho Media in category "Leadore, Idaho"Navigation menuUpload media44° 40′ 46.92″ N, 113° 21′ 39.6″ WLibrary of Congress authority ID: no2011130591ReasonatorScholiaStatisticsWikiShootMe

Cities in IdahoPopulated places in Lemhi County, IdahoLemhi ValleyLocations along Idaho State Highway 28Locations along Idaho State Highway 29

Category:Leadore, Idaho

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city in Idaho, United States
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Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg  Wikipedia
Instance of city of the United States
Lemhi County, Idaho
  • 105 (2010)
  • 0.799279 km²
Elevation above sea level
  • 1,820 m

44° 40′ 46.92″ N, 113° 21′ 39.6″ W
Authority control

Wikidata Q1510940
Library of Congress authority ID: no2011130591

  • Reasonator

  • Scholia

  • Statistics

  • WikiShootMe

Blue pencil.svg
Leadore (es); Leadore (fr); Leadore (ht); لىيدور (kk-arab); Leadore (Idaho) (eu); Lïdor (kk-latn); Лидор (ky); لیدور، آیداهو (azb); Leadore (en); Лидор (kk-cyrl); Leadore (pt); Leadore (vo); لیدور، آیداهو (fa); Лиъдор (bg); लीडोर, आइडाहो (new); Leadore (tr); Leadore (it); Leadore (nl); Leadore (mg); Leadore (ceb); Leadore (nan); Лідоре (uk); Leadore (sh); Лидор (sr); Leadore (io); Leadore (pl); Leadore (uz); Лидор (kk); ليدور، أيداهو (ar); ლიდორი (ka); Leadore (ca) Stadt im US-Bundesstaat Idaho (de); ville américaine de l'état de l'Idaho (fr); city in Idaho, United States (en); مدينة أمريكية في ولاية أيداهو (ar); עיר בארצות הברית (he); plaats in Idaho (nl) Леадоре (uz); ليدور، أيداهو (ar); لیدور، ایداهو (fa); लीडोर (आइडाहो) (new)

English: Media related to Leadore, Idaho, a city in the Lemhi Valley in southeastern Lemhi County, Idaho, United States.

Media in category "Leadore, Idaho"

The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.

Retrieved from ",_Idaho&oldid=353435728"

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