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Bayda, Libie Twin touns an sister ceeties | References | Navigâtion menu32°45′59″N 21°44′30″E / 32.76639°N 21.74167°E / 32.76639; 21.7416732°45′59″N 21°44′30″E / 32.76639°N 21.74167°E / 32.76639; 21.74167Al-Bayda ( Elbeida )Fallingrain.comIndependent Media Center - - Book Africa briefingkocaeli Magazine (Turkish language)10047519-X

Bayda, LibieCyrenaicaPopulatit places in Jabal al AkhdarBarbary WarsPopulatit places in Libie

ArabicLibieMuhammad ibn Ali as-SenussizawiyaTripoliAl Jabal al Akhdar Destricttwinned

Bayda, Libie

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Bayda (El beida)


Bayda (El beida) is locatit in Libya

Bayda (El beida)

Bayda (El beida)

Location in Libya

Coordinates: 32°45′59″N 21°44′30″E / 32.76639°N 21.74167°E / 32.76639; 21.74167Coordinates: 32°45′59″N 21°44′30″E / 32.76639°N 21.74167°E / 32.76639; 21.74167
Jabal al Akhdar
 • Balagrae (circa early 1st millennium BCE)
 • az-Zawiyya al-Bayda(in 1840)
 • Beda Littoria (in 1933)
 • Al-Bayda (Elbeida) (in 1950s)

623 m (2,044 ft)
Population (2010)
 • Tot
Time zone

Al Bayda (Arabic: البيضاءAl Baiḍāʾ About this sound Ar-Al Bayda.ogg ), an aa spelt Al-Baidhah, El-Beda an Beida an kent as Beda Littoria unner Italian occupation, is a commercial an industrial ceety in Libie.[3][4]

Al Bayda's history stretches back tae Auncient Greece, when it wis kent as Balagrae. Ane o the greatest attractions in the ceety the day is the tomb o a famous companion o the Prophet Muhammad, Ruwaifi bin Thabit al-Ansari. For that reason, the ceety wis kent as Sidi Rafaa efter him. Efter the arrival o Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi in the aurie in the 19t century, an the construction o a zawiya, the ceety wis renamed Az Zawiya Al Bayda.

The modren ceety wis built in the 1950s. It wis oreeginally intendit tae be the new capital o Libie, an maist o the necessary govrenment biggins wut constructit there. Eventually, the plan tae move the caipital frae Tripoli tae Al Bayda wis dropped.[5] Al Bayda is the admeenistrative seat for Al Jabal al Akhdar Destrict the day.

Twin touns an sister ceeties |

Bayda is twinned wi:

  • Austrick Carinthie, Austrick

  • Turkey İzmit, Turkey[6]

References |

  1. Al-Bayda ( Elbeida ) lexicorient, 2011 Oct 17


  3. Independent Media Center Australia

  4. - Al Jazeera News

  5. - Book Africa briefing

  6. kocaeli Magazine (Turkish language)

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