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Is there a practical difference between different types of Berachos?

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Berachos tend to be grouped into different categories, as Berachos on pleasure (ברכות הנהנין), on Mitzvos (ברכות המצות), on events (ברכות ראיה ושמיעה), etc.

As far as I’m aware, the general halachos of these types of Berachos are the same across all categories; for instance, they all are said in response to certain triggers, whether that trigger is eating something, hearing some type of news, discharging an obligation, or something else.

Are there any halachos unique to one type of Beracha which don’t apply to the others?

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  • 1

    Birkas Illanoys is said only on Nissan? Birkas Hagomel is said in Minyan? Some are said once in 30 days?

    – Al Berko
    8 hours ago

  • I don't think the Q reflects the title. And what Halochos you refer to?

    – Al Berko
    8 hours ago

  • @AlBerko Birchas Ilanos is a specific application of the general rule that Berachos are said in response to a prompt. Hagomel is indeed only said in a minyan, but that’s not a rule of general categories of Berachos; Hagomel would be a Birchas Hoda’ah, which generally do not have to be said in a minyan.

    – DonielF
    8 hours ago

  • If so the question is undecipherable for me.

    – Al Berko
    8 hours ago

  • @AlBerko Why don’t you think the Q reflects the title? I’m asking for a practical difference between Beracha categories - do any categories have unique halachos? I’m referring to, I dunno, any Halacha which applies to a category as a whole. When it’s said (if there’s a category which can be said whenever whyever), how it’s said, etc. If I knew what specific Halacha was different, I wouldn’t be asking this question.

    – DonielF
    8 hours ago


Berachos tend to be grouped into different categories, as Berachos on pleasure (ברכות הנהנין), on Mitzvos (ברכות המצות), on events (ברכות ראיה ושמיעה), etc.

As far as I’m aware, the general halachos of these types of Berachos are the same across all categories; for instance, they all are said in response to certain triggers, whether that trigger is eating something, hearing some type of news, discharging an obligation, or something else.

Are there any halachos unique to one type of Beracha which don’t apply to the others?

share|improve this question

  • 1

    Birkas Illanoys is said only on Nissan? Birkas Hagomel is said in Minyan? Some are said once in 30 days?

    – Al Berko
    8 hours ago

  • I don't think the Q reflects the title. And what Halochos you refer to?

    – Al Berko
    8 hours ago

  • @AlBerko Birchas Ilanos is a specific application of the general rule that Berachos are said in response to a prompt. Hagomel is indeed only said in a minyan, but that’s not a rule of general categories of Berachos; Hagomel would be a Birchas Hoda’ah, which generally do not have to be said in a minyan.

    – DonielF
    8 hours ago

  • If so the question is undecipherable for me.

    – Al Berko
    8 hours ago

  • @AlBerko Why don’t you think the Q reflects the title? I’m asking for a practical difference between Beracha categories - do any categories have unique halachos? I’m referring to, I dunno, any Halacha which applies to a category as a whole. When it’s said (if there’s a category which can be said whenever whyever), how it’s said, etc. If I knew what specific Halacha was different, I wouldn’t be asking this question.

    – DonielF
    8 hours ago




Berachos tend to be grouped into different categories, as Berachos on pleasure (ברכות הנהנין), on Mitzvos (ברכות המצות), on events (ברכות ראיה ושמיעה), etc.

As far as I’m aware, the general halachos of these types of Berachos are the same across all categories; for instance, they all are said in response to certain triggers, whether that trigger is eating something, hearing some type of news, discharging an obligation, or something else.

Are there any halachos unique to one type of Beracha which don’t apply to the others?

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Berachos tend to be grouped into different categories, as Berachos on pleasure (ברכות הנהנין), on Mitzvos (ברכות המצות), on events (ברכות ראיה ושמיעה), etc.

As far as I’m aware, the general halachos of these types of Berachos are the same across all categories; for instance, they all are said in response to certain triggers, whether that trigger is eating something, hearing some type of news, discharging an obligation, or something else.

Are there any halachos unique to one type of Beracha which don’t apply to the others?

halacha blessing

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asked 8 hours ago




  • 1

    Birkas Illanoys is said only on Nissan? Birkas Hagomel is said in Minyan? Some are said once in 30 days?

    – Al Berko
    8 hours ago

  • I don't think the Q reflects the title. And what Halochos you refer to?

    – Al Berko
    8 hours ago

  • @AlBerko Birchas Ilanos is a specific application of the general rule that Berachos are said in response to a prompt. Hagomel is indeed only said in a minyan, but that’s not a rule of general categories of Berachos; Hagomel would be a Birchas Hoda’ah, which generally do not have to be said in a minyan.

    – DonielF
    8 hours ago

  • If so the question is undecipherable for me.

    – Al Berko
    8 hours ago

  • @AlBerko Why don’t you think the Q reflects the title? I’m asking for a practical difference between Beracha categories - do any categories have unique halachos? I’m referring to, I dunno, any Halacha which applies to a category as a whole. When it’s said (if there’s a category which can be said whenever whyever), how it’s said, etc. If I knew what specific Halacha was different, I wouldn’t be asking this question.

    – DonielF
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    Birkas Illanoys is said only on Nissan? Birkas Hagomel is said in Minyan? Some are said once in 30 days?

    – Al Berko
    8 hours ago

  • I don't think the Q reflects the title. And what Halochos you refer to?

    – Al Berko
    8 hours ago

  • @AlBerko Birchas Ilanos is a specific application of the general rule that Berachos are said in response to a prompt. Hagomel is indeed only said in a minyan, but that’s not a rule of general categories of Berachos; Hagomel would be a Birchas Hoda’ah, which generally do not have to be said in a minyan.

    – DonielF
    8 hours ago

  • If so the question is undecipherable for me.

    – Al Berko
    8 hours ago

  • @AlBerko Why don’t you think the Q reflects the title? I’m asking for a practical difference between Beracha categories - do any categories have unique halachos? I’m referring to, I dunno, any Halacha which applies to a category as a whole. When it’s said (if there’s a category which can be said whenever whyever), how it’s said, etc. If I knew what specific Halacha was different, I wouldn’t be asking this question.

    – DonielF
    8 hours ago



Birkas Illanoys is said only on Nissan? Birkas Hagomel is said in Minyan? Some are said once in 30 days?

– Al Berko
8 hours ago

Birkas Illanoys is said only on Nissan? Birkas Hagomel is said in Minyan? Some are said once in 30 days?

– Al Berko
8 hours ago

I don't think the Q reflects the title. And what Halochos you refer to?

– Al Berko
8 hours ago

I don't think the Q reflects the title. And what Halochos you refer to?

– Al Berko
8 hours ago

@AlBerko Birchas Ilanos is a specific application of the general rule that Berachos are said in response to a prompt. Hagomel is indeed only said in a minyan, but that’s not a rule of general categories of Berachos; Hagomel would be a Birchas Hoda’ah, which generally do not have to be said in a minyan.

– DonielF
8 hours ago

@AlBerko Birchas Ilanos is a specific application of the general rule that Berachos are said in response to a prompt. Hagomel is indeed only said in a minyan, but that’s not a rule of general categories of Berachos; Hagomel would be a Birchas Hoda’ah, which generally do not have to be said in a minyan.

– DonielF
8 hours ago

If so the question is undecipherable for me.

– Al Berko
8 hours ago

If so the question is undecipherable for me.

– Al Berko
8 hours ago

@AlBerko Why don’t you think the Q reflects the title? I’m asking for a practical difference between Beracha categories - do any categories have unique halachos? I’m referring to, I dunno, any Halacha which applies to a category as a whole. When it’s said (if there’s a category which can be said whenever whyever), how it’s said, etc. If I knew what specific Halacha was different, I wouldn’t be asking this question.

– DonielF
8 hours ago

@AlBerko Why don’t you think the Q reflects the title? I’m asking for a practical difference between Beracha categories - do any categories have unique halachos? I’m referring to, I dunno, any Halacha which applies to a category as a whole. When it’s said (if there’s a category which can be said whenever whyever), how it’s said, etc. If I knew what specific Halacha was different, I wouldn’t be asking this question.

– DonielF
8 hours ago

2 Answers





  • The law that כל הברכות מברכין עובר לעשייתן - that one must bless
    before performing a mitzva - does not apply by Birchas Hareach
    (and according to most opinions is unique to Birchas
    ; the reason Birchas Hanehenin must precede the
    consumption is because אסור להנות מעולם הזה בלא ברכה).

  • According to some opinions, one must stand for Birchas HaMitzvos
    (see ארחות חיים (הל' ציצית סי' כז - כח), Rosh (Pesachim, Ch. 10 §41),
    Magen Avraham §8.2); we do not see this law by other Brachos.

  • According to some Rishonim (although we may not pasken like that),
    the rule of ספק ברכות להקל (to avoid making brachos when in doubt)
    applies only to Birchas HaMitzvos, not other brachos (See Tosfos
    Brachos 12a, with Gilyon Hashas of R' Akiva Eiger).

  • The law of arvus (אף על פי שיצא, מוציא) is primarily by Birchas Hamitzvos, not by the other categories of Brochos.

share|improve this answer

  • Notably, pretty much all these rules have exceptions. Categories are only as useful as their exceptions after all.

    – Double AA
    7 hours ago

  • See… - Birchas Hanehenin may be a mattir; Birchas Hamitzvos are not. There are numerous ramifications.

    – chortkov2
    7 hours ago


One difference is that berachas on events are said after the fact (We say the beracha on thunder after we hear the thunder, on lightning after the lightning, Hagomel after being saved, etc).

Berachas on mitzvos are almost always said before the fact-מברכים עובר לעשייתן (b’racha on hallel, Lulav, shofar, Megillah, etc).

And berachas on pleasure are said before and after the fact (b’racha rishonah, b’racha achrona etc).

share|improve this answer

    2 Answers




    2 Answers











    • The law that כל הברכות מברכין עובר לעשייתן - that one must bless
      before performing a mitzva - does not apply by Birchas Hareach
      (and according to most opinions is unique to Birchas
      ; the reason Birchas Hanehenin must precede the
      consumption is because אסור להנות מעולם הזה בלא ברכה).

    • According to some opinions, one must stand for Birchas HaMitzvos
      (see ארחות חיים (הל' ציצית סי' כז - כח), Rosh (Pesachim, Ch. 10 §41),
      Magen Avraham §8.2); we do not see this law by other Brachos.

    • According to some Rishonim (although we may not pasken like that),
      the rule of ספק ברכות להקל (to avoid making brachos when in doubt)
      applies only to Birchas HaMitzvos, not other brachos (See Tosfos
      Brachos 12a, with Gilyon Hashas of R' Akiva Eiger).

    • The law of arvus (אף על פי שיצא, מוציא) is primarily by Birchas Hamitzvos, not by the other categories of Brochos.

    share|improve this answer

    • Notably, pretty much all these rules have exceptions. Categories are only as useful as their exceptions after all.

      – Double AA
      7 hours ago

    • See… - Birchas Hanehenin may be a mattir; Birchas Hamitzvos are not. There are numerous ramifications.

      – chortkov2
      7 hours ago


    • The law that כל הברכות מברכין עובר לעשייתן - that one must bless
      before performing a mitzva - does not apply by Birchas Hareach
      (and according to most opinions is unique to Birchas
      ; the reason Birchas Hanehenin must precede the
      consumption is because אסור להנות מעולם הזה בלא ברכה).

    • According to some opinions, one must stand for Birchas HaMitzvos
      (see ארחות חיים (הל' ציצית סי' כז - כח), Rosh (Pesachim, Ch. 10 §41),
      Magen Avraham §8.2); we do not see this law by other Brachos.

    • According to some Rishonim (although we may not pasken like that),
      the rule of ספק ברכות להקל (to avoid making brachos when in doubt)
      applies only to Birchas HaMitzvos, not other brachos (See Tosfos
      Brachos 12a, with Gilyon Hashas of R' Akiva Eiger).

    • The law of arvus (אף על פי שיצא, מוציא) is primarily by Birchas Hamitzvos, not by the other categories of Brochos.

    share|improve this answer

    • Notably, pretty much all these rules have exceptions. Categories are only as useful as their exceptions after all.

      – Double AA
      7 hours ago

    • See… - Birchas Hanehenin may be a mattir; Birchas Hamitzvos are not. There are numerous ramifications.

      – chortkov2
      7 hours ago




    • The law that כל הברכות מברכין עובר לעשייתן - that one must bless
      before performing a mitzva - does not apply by Birchas Hareach
      (and according to most opinions is unique to Birchas
      ; the reason Birchas Hanehenin must precede the
      consumption is because אסור להנות מעולם הזה בלא ברכה).

    • According to some opinions, one must stand for Birchas HaMitzvos
      (see ארחות חיים (הל' ציצית סי' כז - כח), Rosh (Pesachim, Ch. 10 §41),
      Magen Avraham §8.2); we do not see this law by other Brachos.

    • According to some Rishonim (although we may not pasken like that),
      the rule of ספק ברכות להקל (to avoid making brachos when in doubt)
      applies only to Birchas HaMitzvos, not other brachos (See Tosfos
      Brachos 12a, with Gilyon Hashas of R' Akiva Eiger).

    • The law of arvus (אף על פי שיצא, מוציא) is primarily by Birchas Hamitzvos, not by the other categories of Brochos.

    share|improve this answer

    • The law that כל הברכות מברכין עובר לעשייתן - that one must bless
      before performing a mitzva - does not apply by Birchas Hareach
      (and according to most opinions is unique to Birchas
      ; the reason Birchas Hanehenin must precede the
      consumption is because אסור להנות מעולם הזה בלא ברכה).

    • According to some opinions, one must stand for Birchas HaMitzvos
      (see ארחות חיים (הל' ציצית סי' כז - כח), Rosh (Pesachim, Ch. 10 §41),
      Magen Avraham §8.2); we do not see this law by other Brachos.

    • According to some Rishonim (although we may not pasken like that),
      the rule of ספק ברכות להקל (to avoid making brachos when in doubt)
      applies only to Birchas HaMitzvos, not other brachos (See Tosfos
      Brachos 12a, with Gilyon Hashas of R' Akiva Eiger).

    • The law of arvus (אף על פי שיצא, מוציא) is primarily by Birchas Hamitzvos, not by the other categories of Brochos.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered 7 hours ago




    • Notably, pretty much all these rules have exceptions. Categories are only as useful as their exceptions after all.

      – Double AA
      7 hours ago

    • See… - Birchas Hanehenin may be a mattir; Birchas Hamitzvos are not. There are numerous ramifications.

      – chortkov2
      7 hours ago

    • Notably, pretty much all these rules have exceptions. Categories are only as useful as their exceptions after all.

      – Double AA
      7 hours ago

    • See… - Birchas Hanehenin may be a mattir; Birchas Hamitzvos are not. There are numerous ramifications.

      – chortkov2
      7 hours ago

    Notably, pretty much all these rules have exceptions. Categories are only as useful as their exceptions after all.

    – Double AA
    7 hours ago

    Notably, pretty much all these rules have exceptions. Categories are only as useful as their exceptions after all.

    – Double AA
    7 hours ago

    See… - Birchas Hanehenin may be a mattir; Birchas Hamitzvos are not. There are numerous ramifications.

    – chortkov2
    7 hours ago

    See… - Birchas Hanehenin may be a mattir; Birchas Hamitzvos are not. There are numerous ramifications.

    – chortkov2
    7 hours ago


    One difference is that berachas on events are said after the fact (We say the beracha on thunder after we hear the thunder, on lightning after the lightning, Hagomel after being saved, etc).

    Berachas on mitzvos are almost always said before the fact-מברכים עובר לעשייתן (b’racha on hallel, Lulav, shofar, Megillah, etc).

    And berachas on pleasure are said before and after the fact (b’racha rishonah, b’racha achrona etc).

    share|improve this answer


      One difference is that berachas on events are said after the fact (We say the beracha on thunder after we hear the thunder, on lightning after the lightning, Hagomel after being saved, etc).

      Berachas on mitzvos are almost always said before the fact-מברכים עובר לעשייתן (b’racha on hallel, Lulav, shofar, Megillah, etc).

      And berachas on pleasure are said before and after the fact (b’racha rishonah, b’racha achrona etc).

      share|improve this answer




        One difference is that berachas on events are said after the fact (We say the beracha on thunder after we hear the thunder, on lightning after the lightning, Hagomel after being saved, etc).

        Berachas on mitzvos are almost always said before the fact-מברכים עובר לעשייתן (b’racha on hallel, Lulav, shofar, Megillah, etc).

        And berachas on pleasure are said before and after the fact (b’racha rishonah, b’racha achrona etc).

        share|improve this answer

        One difference is that berachas on events are said after the fact (We say the beracha on thunder after we hear the thunder, on lightning after the lightning, Hagomel after being saved, etc).

        Berachas on mitzvos are almost always said before the fact-מברכים עובר לעשייתן (b’racha on hallel, Lulav, shofar, Megillah, etc).

        And berachas on pleasure are said before and after the fact (b’racha rishonah, b’racha achrona etc).

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited 7 hours ago

        Double AA



        answered 7 hours ago

        Lo aniLo ani



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