RegionUnion works but RegionIntersection does notTesting visibility and projecting in Graphics3DConvexHullMesh sometimes excludes valid points from convex hullTrouble with discrete MeshRegions: Integrating over plane slicesPossible bug in RegionUnion or related functions?How to obtain the cell-adjacency graph of a mesh?BooleanRegion with .stl files does not workToElementMesh ignores Boundaries and MeshRefinemet

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RegionUnion works but RegionIntersection does not

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I am trying to create an Alberti's window figure as described in this question, in which a (three-dimensional) polyhedron (e.g., dodecahedron) is projected onto a (two-dimensional) plane. I realized that the previous approach and solution of projecting points is not quite what I need. Instead, I'd like to project two-dimensional faces (in this case pentagons). Everything works except the final stage. Here's how I proceed:

1) Here are the vertices of the dodecahedron:

myVertices = N@PolyhedronData["Dodecahedron", "Vertices"];

2) Here are the grouped indices of each pentagon face:

myFaces = PolyhedronData["Dodecahedron", "Faces"];

3) Here are the selected faces that are visible from the center of projection:

mySelectedFaces = myFaces[[#]] & /@ 2, 3, 5, 6, 7;

4) Here is the center of projection:

cop = 10, 0, 0;

5) Here are the three-dimensional cones defined by a pentagon face on the dodecahedron and the center of projection:

myCones = Join[#, cop] & /@ (myVertices[[#]] & /@ mySelectedFaces);

6) Here's the region mesh of just the first such cone:

myConeMesh = ConvexHullMesh[myCones[[1]]]


7) I'm projecting onto a plane defined by:

poly = Polygon[6, -2, -2, 6, -2, 2, 6, 2, 2, 6, 2, -2];

8) If I create the union of the cone and the projection plane, I get just what I expect:

RegionUnion[myConeMesh, poly]

union of cone and projection plane

9) But of course I want instead the intersection of the cone and the projection plane. That should give me a pentagon floating in the plane of the projection plane. (I could then color it, render it however I wish, and so forth.) However, when I implement what I think should be the obvious function, I do not get the desired intersection:

RegionIntersection[myConeMesh, poly]

failed intersection

I have tried all manner of putting the elements in braces, creating Mesh or ConvexHullMesh, etc., without success. I thought the problem might stem from the embedding dimension, but both component regions are in three dimensions.

How can I compute the pentagon intersection region within the projection plane?

share|improve this question




    I am trying to create an Alberti's window figure as described in this question, in which a (three-dimensional) polyhedron (e.g., dodecahedron) is projected onto a (two-dimensional) plane. I realized that the previous approach and solution of projecting points is not quite what I need. Instead, I'd like to project two-dimensional faces (in this case pentagons). Everything works except the final stage. Here's how I proceed:

    1) Here are the vertices of the dodecahedron:

    myVertices = N@PolyhedronData["Dodecahedron", "Vertices"];

    2) Here are the grouped indices of each pentagon face:

    myFaces = PolyhedronData["Dodecahedron", "Faces"];

    3) Here are the selected faces that are visible from the center of projection:

    mySelectedFaces = myFaces[[#]] & /@ 2, 3, 5, 6, 7;

    4) Here is the center of projection:

    cop = 10, 0, 0;

    5) Here are the three-dimensional cones defined by a pentagon face on the dodecahedron and the center of projection:

    myCones = Join[#, cop] & /@ (myVertices[[#]] & /@ mySelectedFaces);

    6) Here's the region mesh of just the first such cone:

    myConeMesh = ConvexHullMesh[myCones[[1]]]


    7) I'm projecting onto a plane defined by:

    poly = Polygon[6, -2, -2, 6, -2, 2, 6, 2, 2, 6, 2, -2];

    8) If I create the union of the cone and the projection plane, I get just what I expect:

    RegionUnion[myConeMesh, poly]

    union of cone and projection plane

    9) But of course I want instead the intersection of the cone and the projection plane. That should give me a pentagon floating in the plane of the projection plane. (I could then color it, render it however I wish, and so forth.) However, when I implement what I think should be the obvious function, I do not get the desired intersection:

    RegionIntersection[myConeMesh, poly]

    failed intersection

    I have tried all manner of putting the elements in braces, creating Mesh or ConvexHullMesh, etc., without success. I thought the problem might stem from the embedding dimension, but both component regions are in three dimensions.

    How can I compute the pentagon intersection region within the projection plane?

    share|improve this question






      I am trying to create an Alberti's window figure as described in this question, in which a (three-dimensional) polyhedron (e.g., dodecahedron) is projected onto a (two-dimensional) plane. I realized that the previous approach and solution of projecting points is not quite what I need. Instead, I'd like to project two-dimensional faces (in this case pentagons). Everything works except the final stage. Here's how I proceed:

      1) Here are the vertices of the dodecahedron:

      myVertices = N@PolyhedronData["Dodecahedron", "Vertices"];

      2) Here are the grouped indices of each pentagon face:

      myFaces = PolyhedronData["Dodecahedron", "Faces"];

      3) Here are the selected faces that are visible from the center of projection:

      mySelectedFaces = myFaces[[#]] & /@ 2, 3, 5, 6, 7;

      4) Here is the center of projection:

      cop = 10, 0, 0;

      5) Here are the three-dimensional cones defined by a pentagon face on the dodecahedron and the center of projection:

      myCones = Join[#, cop] & /@ (myVertices[[#]] & /@ mySelectedFaces);

      6) Here's the region mesh of just the first such cone:

      myConeMesh = ConvexHullMesh[myCones[[1]]]


      7) I'm projecting onto a plane defined by:

      poly = Polygon[6, -2, -2, 6, -2, 2, 6, 2, 2, 6, 2, -2];

      8) If I create the union of the cone and the projection plane, I get just what I expect:

      RegionUnion[myConeMesh, poly]

      union of cone and projection plane

      9) But of course I want instead the intersection of the cone and the projection plane. That should give me a pentagon floating in the plane of the projection plane. (I could then color it, render it however I wish, and so forth.) However, when I implement what I think should be the obvious function, I do not get the desired intersection:

      RegionIntersection[myConeMesh, poly]

      failed intersection

      I have tried all manner of putting the elements in braces, creating Mesh or ConvexHullMesh, etc., without success. I thought the problem might stem from the embedding dimension, but both component regions are in three dimensions.

      How can I compute the pentagon intersection region within the projection plane?

      share|improve this question


      I am trying to create an Alberti's window figure as described in this question, in which a (three-dimensional) polyhedron (e.g., dodecahedron) is projected onto a (two-dimensional) plane. I realized that the previous approach and solution of projecting points is not quite what I need. Instead, I'd like to project two-dimensional faces (in this case pentagons). Everything works except the final stage. Here's how I proceed:

      1) Here are the vertices of the dodecahedron:

      myVertices = N@PolyhedronData["Dodecahedron", "Vertices"];

      2) Here are the grouped indices of each pentagon face:

      myFaces = PolyhedronData["Dodecahedron", "Faces"];

      3) Here are the selected faces that are visible from the center of projection:

      mySelectedFaces = myFaces[[#]] & /@ 2, 3, 5, 6, 7;

      4) Here is the center of projection:

      cop = 10, 0, 0;

      5) Here are the three-dimensional cones defined by a pentagon face on the dodecahedron and the center of projection:

      myCones = Join[#, cop] & /@ (myVertices[[#]] & /@ mySelectedFaces);

      6) Here's the region mesh of just the first such cone:

      myConeMesh = ConvexHullMesh[myCones[[1]]]


      7) I'm projecting onto a plane defined by:

      poly = Polygon[6, -2, -2, 6, -2, 2, 6, 2, 2, 6, 2, -2];

      8) If I create the union of the cone and the projection plane, I get just what I expect:

      RegionUnion[myConeMesh, poly]

      union of cone and projection plane

      9) But of course I want instead the intersection of the cone and the projection plane. That should give me a pentagon floating in the plane of the projection plane. (I could then color it, render it however I wish, and so forth.) However, when I implement what I think should be the obvious function, I do not get the desired intersection:

      RegionIntersection[myConeMesh, poly]

      failed intersection

      I have tried all manner of putting the elements in braces, creating Mesh or ConvexHullMesh, etc., without success. I thought the problem might stem from the embedding dimension, but both component regions are in three dimensions.

      How can I compute the pentagon intersection region within the projection plane?

      mesh regionintersection convexhullmesh

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked 8 hours ago

      David G. StorkDavid G. Stork

      26k2 gold badges23 silver badges58 bronze badges

      26k2 gold badges23 silver badges58 bronze badges

          1 Answer






          Here's one workaround.

          Since your clip-plane is axes aligned, we can use the 2 argument form of DiscretizeRegion to clip the solid in one direction, then manually pick the faces on the plane.

          (If your clip-plane is not axes aligned, you could rotate your whole scene, clip, then rotate back.)

          x = 6.;
          clip = BoundaryDiscretizeRegion[myConeMesh, -1, x, -1, 1, -1, 2];

          int = MeshRegion[
          Pick[MeshCells[clip, 2], PropertyValue[clip, 2, MeshCellCentroid][[All, 1]], x]

          MeshRegion[int, BaseStyle -> ColorData[112, 1], PlotTheme -> "Minimal"],
          BoundaryMeshRegion[myConeMesh, BaseStyle -> Opacity[.3], PlotTheme -> "Minimal"]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          • 1

            Indeed, your result gives the floating pentagon, as needed (thanks), but this is such a kludgy workaround. I will be performing lots of these kinds of projections—onto planes of arbitrary orientation—that rotating, clipping, and so forth is simply unwieldy. Do you have any insight as to why the straightforward RegionIntersection doesn't work?
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Indeed a messy workaround. I don't really know why RegionIntersection doesn't work, but note that RegionUnion simply places both region into the same scene and doesn't resolve their intersections. You can see this with RegionUnion[myConeMesh, poly] // ConnectedMeshComponents. RegionIntersection on the other hand must find the intersections.
            – Chip Hurst
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            I figured out a better workaround: Define poly = Cuboid[5.9,-2,-2,6,2,2]. This three-dimensional region then works. The earlier problem must be due to something about intrinsic dimension.
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Technically that's not a plane, but you could then manually pick out the faces like in my answer. Also BoundaryDiscretizeRegion[myConeMesh, x - .001, x, -1, 1, -1, 2] works like this too.
            – Chip Hurst
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Anyway.... thanks for your help (+1)... but not a full accept, since I have a sense someone will see through the fundamental problem and come to a true planar solution.
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago

          Your Answer

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer












          Here's one workaround.

          Since your clip-plane is axes aligned, we can use the 2 argument form of DiscretizeRegion to clip the solid in one direction, then manually pick the faces on the plane.

          (If your clip-plane is not axes aligned, you could rotate your whole scene, clip, then rotate back.)

          x = 6.;
          clip = BoundaryDiscretizeRegion[myConeMesh, -1, x, -1, 1, -1, 2];

          int = MeshRegion[
          Pick[MeshCells[clip, 2], PropertyValue[clip, 2, MeshCellCentroid][[All, 1]], x]

          MeshRegion[int, BaseStyle -> ColorData[112, 1], PlotTheme -> "Minimal"],
          BoundaryMeshRegion[myConeMesh, BaseStyle -> Opacity[.3], PlotTheme -> "Minimal"]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          • 1

            Indeed, your result gives the floating pentagon, as needed (thanks), but this is such a kludgy workaround. I will be performing lots of these kinds of projections—onto planes of arbitrary orientation—that rotating, clipping, and so forth is simply unwieldy. Do you have any insight as to why the straightforward RegionIntersection doesn't work?
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Indeed a messy workaround. I don't really know why RegionIntersection doesn't work, but note that RegionUnion simply places both region into the same scene and doesn't resolve their intersections. You can see this with RegionUnion[myConeMesh, poly] // ConnectedMeshComponents. RegionIntersection on the other hand must find the intersections.
            – Chip Hurst
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            I figured out a better workaround: Define poly = Cuboid[5.9,-2,-2,6,2,2]. This three-dimensional region then works. The earlier problem must be due to something about intrinsic dimension.
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Technically that's not a plane, but you could then manually pick out the faces like in my answer. Also BoundaryDiscretizeRegion[myConeMesh, x - .001, x, -1, 1, -1, 2] works like this too.
            – Chip Hurst
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Anyway.... thanks for your help (+1)... but not a full accept, since I have a sense someone will see through the fundamental problem and come to a true planar solution.
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago



          Here's one workaround.

          Since your clip-plane is axes aligned, we can use the 2 argument form of DiscretizeRegion to clip the solid in one direction, then manually pick the faces on the plane.

          (If your clip-plane is not axes aligned, you could rotate your whole scene, clip, then rotate back.)

          x = 6.;
          clip = BoundaryDiscretizeRegion[myConeMesh, -1, x, -1, 1, -1, 2];

          int = MeshRegion[
          Pick[MeshCells[clip, 2], PropertyValue[clip, 2, MeshCellCentroid][[All, 1]], x]

          MeshRegion[int, BaseStyle -> ColorData[112, 1], PlotTheme -> "Minimal"],
          BoundaryMeshRegion[myConeMesh, BaseStyle -> Opacity[.3], PlotTheme -> "Minimal"]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          • 1

            Indeed, your result gives the floating pentagon, as needed (thanks), but this is such a kludgy workaround. I will be performing lots of these kinds of projections—onto planes of arbitrary orientation—that rotating, clipping, and so forth is simply unwieldy. Do you have any insight as to why the straightforward RegionIntersection doesn't work?
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Indeed a messy workaround. I don't really know why RegionIntersection doesn't work, but note that RegionUnion simply places both region into the same scene and doesn't resolve their intersections. You can see this with RegionUnion[myConeMesh, poly] // ConnectedMeshComponents. RegionIntersection on the other hand must find the intersections.
            – Chip Hurst
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            I figured out a better workaround: Define poly = Cuboid[5.9,-2,-2,6,2,2]. This three-dimensional region then works. The earlier problem must be due to something about intrinsic dimension.
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Technically that's not a plane, but you could then manually pick out the faces like in my answer. Also BoundaryDiscretizeRegion[myConeMesh, x - .001, x, -1, 1, -1, 2] works like this too.
            – Chip Hurst
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Anyway.... thanks for your help (+1)... but not a full accept, since I have a sense someone will see through the fundamental problem and come to a true planar solution.
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago





          Here's one workaround.

          Since your clip-plane is axes aligned, we can use the 2 argument form of DiscretizeRegion to clip the solid in one direction, then manually pick the faces on the plane.

          (If your clip-plane is not axes aligned, you could rotate your whole scene, clip, then rotate back.)

          x = 6.;
          clip = BoundaryDiscretizeRegion[myConeMesh, -1, x, -1, 1, -1, 2];

          int = MeshRegion[
          Pick[MeshCells[clip, 2], PropertyValue[clip, 2, MeshCellCentroid][[All, 1]], x]

          MeshRegion[int, BaseStyle -> ColorData[112, 1], PlotTheme -> "Minimal"],
          BoundaryMeshRegion[myConeMesh, BaseStyle -> Opacity[.3], PlotTheme -> "Minimal"]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          Here's one workaround.

          Since your clip-plane is axes aligned, we can use the 2 argument form of DiscretizeRegion to clip the solid in one direction, then manually pick the faces on the plane.

          (If your clip-plane is not axes aligned, you could rotate your whole scene, clip, then rotate back.)

          x = 6.;
          clip = BoundaryDiscretizeRegion[myConeMesh, -1, x, -1, 1, -1, 2];

          int = MeshRegion[
          Pick[MeshCells[clip, 2], PropertyValue[clip, 2, MeshCellCentroid][[All, 1]], x]

          MeshRegion[int, BaseStyle -> ColorData[112, 1], PlotTheme -> "Minimal"],
          BoundaryMeshRegion[myConeMesh, BaseStyle -> Opacity[.3], PlotTheme -> "Minimal"]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered 7 hours ago

          Chip HurstChip Hurst

          25.3k1 gold badge61 silver badges100 bronze badges

          25.3k1 gold badge61 silver badges100 bronze badges

          • 1

            Indeed, your result gives the floating pentagon, as needed (thanks), but this is such a kludgy workaround. I will be performing lots of these kinds of projections—onto planes of arbitrary orientation—that rotating, clipping, and so forth is simply unwieldy. Do you have any insight as to why the straightforward RegionIntersection doesn't work?
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Indeed a messy workaround. I don't really know why RegionIntersection doesn't work, but note that RegionUnion simply places both region into the same scene and doesn't resolve their intersections. You can see this with RegionUnion[myConeMesh, poly] // ConnectedMeshComponents. RegionIntersection on the other hand must find the intersections.
            – Chip Hurst
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            I figured out a better workaround: Define poly = Cuboid[5.9,-2,-2,6,2,2]. This three-dimensional region then works. The earlier problem must be due to something about intrinsic dimension.
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Technically that's not a plane, but you could then manually pick out the faces like in my answer. Also BoundaryDiscretizeRegion[myConeMesh, x - .001, x, -1, 1, -1, 2] works like this too.
            – Chip Hurst
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Anyway.... thanks for your help (+1)... but not a full accept, since I have a sense someone will see through the fundamental problem and come to a true planar solution.
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago

          • 1

            Indeed, your result gives the floating pentagon, as needed (thanks), but this is such a kludgy workaround. I will be performing lots of these kinds of projections—onto planes of arbitrary orientation—that rotating, clipping, and so forth is simply unwieldy. Do you have any insight as to why the straightforward RegionIntersection doesn't work?
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Indeed a messy workaround. I don't really know why RegionIntersection doesn't work, but note that RegionUnion simply places both region into the same scene and doesn't resolve their intersections. You can see this with RegionUnion[myConeMesh, poly] // ConnectedMeshComponents. RegionIntersection on the other hand must find the intersections.
            – Chip Hurst
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            I figured out a better workaround: Define poly = Cuboid[5.9,-2,-2,6,2,2]. This three-dimensional region then works. The earlier problem must be due to something about intrinsic dimension.
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Technically that's not a plane, but you could then manually pick out the faces like in my answer. Also BoundaryDiscretizeRegion[myConeMesh, x - .001, x, -1, 1, -1, 2] works like this too.
            – Chip Hurst
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Anyway.... thanks for your help (+1)... but not a full accept, since I have a sense someone will see through the fundamental problem and come to a true planar solution.
            – David G. Stork
            7 hours ago



          Indeed, your result gives the floating pentagon, as needed (thanks), but this is such a kludgy workaround. I will be performing lots of these kinds of projections—onto planes of arbitrary orientation—that rotating, clipping, and so forth is simply unwieldy. Do you have any insight as to why the straightforward RegionIntersection doesn't work?
          – David G. Stork
          7 hours ago

          Indeed, your result gives the floating pentagon, as needed (thanks), but this is such a kludgy workaround. I will be performing lots of these kinds of projections—onto planes of arbitrary orientation—that rotating, clipping, and so forth is simply unwieldy. Do you have any insight as to why the straightforward RegionIntersection doesn't work?
          – David G. Stork
          7 hours ago

          Indeed a messy workaround. I don't really know why RegionIntersection doesn't work, but note that RegionUnion simply places both region into the same scene and doesn't resolve their intersections. You can see this with RegionUnion[myConeMesh, poly] // ConnectedMeshComponents. RegionIntersection on the other hand must find the intersections.
          – Chip Hurst
          7 hours ago

          Indeed a messy workaround. I don't really know why RegionIntersection doesn't work, but note that RegionUnion simply places both region into the same scene and doesn't resolve their intersections. You can see this with RegionUnion[myConeMesh, poly] // ConnectedMeshComponents. RegionIntersection on the other hand must find the intersections.
          – Chip Hurst
          7 hours ago

          I figured out a better workaround: Define poly = Cuboid[5.9,-2,-2,6,2,2]. This three-dimensional region then works. The earlier problem must be due to something about intrinsic dimension.
          – David G. Stork
          7 hours ago

          I figured out a better workaround: Define poly = Cuboid[5.9,-2,-2,6,2,2]. This three-dimensional region then works. The earlier problem must be due to something about intrinsic dimension.
          – David G. Stork
          7 hours ago

          Technically that's not a plane, but you could then manually pick out the faces like in my answer. Also BoundaryDiscretizeRegion[myConeMesh, x - .001, x, -1, 1, -1, 2] works like this too.
          – Chip Hurst
          7 hours ago

          Technically that's not a plane, but you could then manually pick out the faces like in my answer. Also BoundaryDiscretizeRegion[myConeMesh, x - .001, x, -1, 1, -1, 2] works like this too.
          – Chip Hurst
          7 hours ago

          Anyway.... thanks for your help (+1)... but not a full accept, since I have a sense someone will see through the fundamental problem and come to a true planar solution.
          – David G. Stork
          7 hours ago

          Anyway.... thanks for your help (+1)... but not a full accept, since I have a sense someone will see through the fundamental problem and come to a true planar solution.
          – David G. Stork
          7 hours ago

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          Tom Holland Mục lục Đầu đời và giáo dục | Sự nghiệp | Cuộc sống cá nhân | Phim tham gia | Giải thưởng và đề cử | Chú thích | Liên kết ngoài | Trình đơn chuyển hướngProfile“Person Details for Thomas Stanley Holland, "England and Wales Birth Registration Index, 1837-2008" —”"Meet Tom Holland... the 16-year-old star of The Impossible""Schoolboy actor Tom Holland finds himself in Oscar contention for role in tsunami drama"“Naomi Watts on the Prince William and Harry's reaction to her film about the late Princess Diana”lưu trữ"Holland and Pflueger Are West End's Two New 'Billy Elliots'""I'm so envious of my son, the movie star! British writer Dominic Holland's spent 20 years trying to crack Hollywood - but he's been beaten to it by a very unlikely rival"“Richard and Margaret Povey of Jersey, Channel Islands, UK: Information about Thomas Stanley Holland”"Tom Holland to play Billy Elliot""New Billy Elliot leaving the garage"Billy Elliot the Musical - Tom Holland - Billy"A Tale of four Billys: Tom Holland""The Feel Good Factor""Thames Christian College schoolboys join Myleene Klass for The Feelgood Factor""Government launches £600,000 arts bursaries pilot""BILLY's Chapman, Holland, Gardner & Jackson-Keen Visit Prime Minister""Elton John 'blown away' by Billy Elliot fifth birthday" (video with John's interview and fragments of Holland's performance)"First News interviews Arrietty's Tom Holland"“33rd Critics' Circle Film Awards winners”“National Board of Review Current Awards”Bản gốc"Ron Howard Whaling Tale 'In The Heart Of The Sea' Casts Tom Holland"“'Spider-Man' Finds Tom Holland to Star as New Web-Slinger”lưu trữ“Captain America: Civil War (2016)”“Film Review: ‘Captain America: Civil War’”lưu trữ“‘Captain America: Civil War’ review: Choose your own avenger”lưu trữ“The Lost City of Z reviews”“Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios Find Their 'Spider-Man' Star and Director”“‘Mary Magdalene’, ‘Current War’ & ‘Wind River’ Get 2017 Release Dates From Weinstein”“Lionsgate Unleashing Daisy Ridley & Tom Holland Starrer ‘Chaos Walking’ In Cannes”“PTA's 'Master' Leads Chicago Film Critics Nominations, UPDATED: Houston and Indiana Critics Nominations”“Nominaciones Goya 2013 Telecinco Cinema – ENG”“Jameson Empire Film Awards: Martin Freeman wins best actor for performance in The Hobbit”“34th Annual Young Artist Awards”Bản gốc“Teen Choice Awards 2016—Captain America: Civil War Leads Second Wave of Nominations”“BAFTA Film Award Nominations: ‘La La Land’ Leads Race”“Saturn Awards Nominations 2017: 'Rogue One,' 'Walking Dead' Lead”Tom HollandTom HollandTom HollandTom Hollandmedia.gettyimages.comWorldCat Identities300279794no20130442900000 0004 0355 42791085670554170004732cb16706349t(data)XX5557367