How to find the version of extensions used on a Joomla website without access to the backend?Get all installed Joomla extensions and their versionHow does the pre-release cycle for Joomla versions work and can I test my extensions at the Beta stage?Which Bootstrap version should be used v2.3 or v3 in new extensionsHow to re-enable an extension's update siteJoomla 3 Website loading without the cssWhat are the Design Patterns used In Joomla?Downgrade (rollback) Joomla VersionsGet all installed Joomla extensions and their versionJoomla and security: detect vulnerability after infectionFinding a clean version of extensions during Joomla! migration?Joomla backend not reflecting updated PHP version

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How to find the version of extensions used on a Joomla website without access to the backend?

Get all installed Joomla extensions and their versionHow does the pre-release cycle for Joomla versions work and can I test my extensions at the Beta stage?Which Bootstrap version should be used v2.3 or v3 in new extensionsHow to re-enable an extension's update siteJoomla 3 Website loading without the cssWhat are the Design Patterns used In Joomla?Downgrade (rollback) Joomla VersionsGet all installed Joomla extensions and their versionJoomla and security: detect vulnerability after infectionFinding a clean version of extensions during Joomla! migration?Joomla backend not reflecting updated PHP version

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;


First of all, I would like to check myself:

  • An extension is an aggregate of modules, plugins and components, right?

  • If that is right, then modules, plugins and components have the same versions. Is this also true?

The problem is: As part of security research that I am conducting, I need to find out the versions of the extensions used on a (any) given Joomla site.

In simple cases, the version is already written like here:

JWallpapers - A lightweight yet powerful image gallery component with community building capabilities
* @version 2.2.2 $Id: default.css 558 2010-12-16 12:29:41Z amazeika $
* @package JWallpapers
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2009 Arunas Mazeika, All rights reserved
* @author Arunas Mazeika
* @license GNU General Public License v2+ (GNU GPL v2+). See license.php

float: left;
border: none !important;

float: left;
border: none !important;

But how can I find out the version of an extension if there is no such record?

I also looked here but the answerer used a php-script. Is it possible for a usual user to run such a script?

Are there other ways to find out extension versions on Joomla sites?

share|improve this question

New contributor

Elvin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


    First of all, I would like to check myself:

    • An extension is an aggregate of modules, plugins and components, right?

    • If that is right, then modules, plugins and components have the same versions. Is this also true?

    The problem is: As part of security research that I am conducting, I need to find out the versions of the extensions used on a (any) given Joomla site.

    In simple cases, the version is already written like here:

    JWallpapers - A lightweight yet powerful image gallery component with community building capabilities
    * @version 2.2.2 $Id: default.css 558 2010-12-16 12:29:41Z amazeika $
    * @package JWallpapers
    * @copyright Copyright (C) 2009 Arunas Mazeika, All rights reserved
    * @author Arunas Mazeika
    * @license GNU General Public License v2+ (GNU GPL v2+). See license.php

    float: left;
    border: none !important;

    float: left;
    border: none !important;

    But how can I find out the version of an extension if there is no such record?

    I also looked here but the answerer used a php-script. Is it possible for a usual user to run such a script?

    Are there other ways to find out extension versions on Joomla sites?

    share|improve this question

    New contributor

    Elvin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.




      First of all, I would like to check myself:

      • An extension is an aggregate of modules, plugins and components, right?

      • If that is right, then modules, plugins and components have the same versions. Is this also true?

      The problem is: As part of security research that I am conducting, I need to find out the versions of the extensions used on a (any) given Joomla site.

      In simple cases, the version is already written like here:

      JWallpapers - A lightweight yet powerful image gallery component with community building capabilities
      * @version 2.2.2 $Id: default.css 558 2010-12-16 12:29:41Z amazeika $
      * @package JWallpapers
      * @copyright Copyright (C) 2009 Arunas Mazeika, All rights reserved
      * @author Arunas Mazeika
      * @license GNU General Public License v2+ (GNU GPL v2+). See license.php

      float: left;
      border: none !important;

      float: left;
      border: none !important;

      But how can I find out the version of an extension if there is no such record?

      I also looked here but the answerer used a php-script. Is it possible for a usual user to run such a script?

      Are there other ways to find out extension versions on Joomla sites?

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Elvin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      First of all, I would like to check myself:

      • An extension is an aggregate of modules, plugins and components, right?

      • If that is right, then modules, plugins and components have the same versions. Is this also true?

      The problem is: As part of security research that I am conducting, I need to find out the versions of the extensions used on a (any) given Joomla site.

      In simple cases, the version is already written like here:

      JWallpapers - A lightweight yet powerful image gallery component with community building capabilities
      * @version 2.2.2 $Id: default.css 558 2010-12-16 12:29:41Z amazeika $
      * @package JWallpapers
      * @copyright Copyright (C) 2009 Arunas Mazeika, All rights reserved
      * @author Arunas Mazeika
      * @license GNU General Public License v2+ (GNU GPL v2+). See license.php

      float: left;
      border: none !important;

      float: left;
      border: none !important;

      But how can I find out the version of an extension if there is no such record?

      I also looked here but the answerer used a php-script. Is it possible for a usual user to run such a script?

      Are there other ways to find out extension versions on Joomla sites?

      joomla-3.x extensions security versions design-patterns

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Elvin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Elvin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 4 hours ago


      2,1471 gold badge8 silver badges31 bronze badges

      2,1471 gold badge8 silver badges31 bronze badges

      New contributor

      Elvin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      asked 10 hours ago


      1113 bronze badges

      1113 bronze badges

      New contributor

      Elvin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      New contributor

      Elvin is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

          4 Answers





          the extension is an aggregate of modules, plugins and components?

          A extension, is not the combination of a component, module and plugin. This is what a package is

          Plugins, Modules, Components, Templates are all types of extensions.

          So if I'm right, than modules, plugins and components have the same versions. Is it also true?

          No. They're all separate, so they'll use different versions.

          But how to find out the version of extensions if there is no such a record?

          In your Joomla backend (admin panel), go to Extensions >> Manage >> Manage.

          This will give you a list of all installed extensions and their respective version.

          Here is an example:

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          • but if I am a regular user and I am not allowed to use admin page? Is there another way to find out a version?

            – Elvin
            10 hours ago

          • @Elvin - Why would you want to do this as a regular user?

            – Lodder
            10 hours ago

          • I'm to research a security problems in Joomla but I had never worked with web-proggramming and CMS. I need only a version of installed extensions.

            – Elvin
            9 hours ago


          If you're not an administrator of the site, you can't have this information in full. If you know which extensions are installed, you can check their versions by accessing their manifest files. For example, you can find out Joomla! version by accessing administrator/manifests/files/joomla.xml file.

          The closest you can get to finding out which extensions are installed is by compiling a list of as many extensions as you can find in the wild and writing a script to check if the manifest files exist on the website.

          share|improve this answer

          • then what this script about?

            – Elvin
            8 hours ago

          • 1

            The script in the link is looking at the data base table where the extensions are 'registered' and then displaying a list of name and version. Still not much good to you as you would need direct access to the database.

            – Irata
            1 hour ago


          That information is not available to an end user or visitor to a website.

          You will either need Administrator access to the back end of Joomla or access to run a database query and unless you have hacked the site you wont have that either.

          As a public viewer of a website you are only going to be able to see what is available in the HTML being displayed. As explained in Lodder's answer Extensions are comprised of plugin, modules and components and for the most part they happen on the server side of things to build the pages that are then rendered and sent to your browser.

          Some components may display a back link or 'powered by ....' text in the footer of a page, that is by deliberate action on their part in their code, but normally plugins and modules will barely leave any trace of themselves let alone their version. A plugin executed deep in the code of Joomla that changes a value from A to B isn't going get any credits at the bottom of a page like say people who work on a Movie get listed at the end.

          You could analyse the HTML code of every page of a Joomla site and slowly build up a catalogue of breadcrumbs of evidence that an extension may or may not have had a hand in creating a page, but there would be no reliable version information. It would also take that long I would suggest you don't have that many breathes left in you.

          Perhaps if you explain more about the the research you are doing and what your requirement is then perhaps people on here could suggest an alternative approach.

          share|improve this answer


            As Sharky says, if you don't have administrator access to the database, the best way to find out this information is from the publicly accessible files on the website such as the xml manifest files. The security on some websites does not permit you to view these files so this method is not always reliable.

            Even when you do have access to the manifest files, not all versions of an extension use the same manifest file.

            For some examples, see the code below where Akeeba Backup and JCE Editor use the same manifest file for all versions but for ChronoForms and Gantry Framework, you need to check several files to get the version number.

            // Display Akeeba Version
            echo "<div class='item'>Akeeba Version:</div>";
            $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba.xml");
            if (isset($xml->version))
            echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
            echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

            // Display JCE Version
            echo "<div class='item'>JCE Version:</div>";
            $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_jce/jce.xml");
            if (isset($xml->version))
            echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
            echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

            // Display ChronoForms Version
            echo "<div class='item'>ChronoForms Version:</div>";
            $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms6/chronoforms6.xml");
            if (isset($xml->version))
            //ChronoForms v6
            echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
            $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms5/chronoforms5.xml");
            if (isset($xml->version))
            //ChronoForms v5
            echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
            $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms/chronoforms.xml");
            if (isset($xml->version))
            //ChronoForms v4
            echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
            $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronocontact/chronocontact.xml");
            if (isset($xml->version))
            //ChronoForms v3
            echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
            echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

            // Display Gantry Version
            echo "<div class='item'>Gantry Version:</div>";
            $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry5/gantry5.xml");
            if (isset($xml->version))
            //Gantry v5
            echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
            $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry/gantry.xml");
            if (isset($xml->version))
            //Gantry v4
            echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
            $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry/manifest.xml");
            if (isset($xml->version))
            //Gantry v3
            echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
            echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

            share|improve this answer

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              4 Answers




              4 Answers











              the extension is an aggregate of modules, plugins and components?

              A extension, is not the combination of a component, module and plugin. This is what a package is

              Plugins, Modules, Components, Templates are all types of extensions.

              So if I'm right, than modules, plugins and components have the same versions. Is it also true?

              No. They're all separate, so they'll use different versions.

              But how to find out the version of extensions if there is no such a record?

              In your Joomla backend (admin panel), go to Extensions >> Manage >> Manage.

              This will give you a list of all installed extensions and their respective version.

              Here is an example:

              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer

              • but if I am a regular user and I am not allowed to use admin page? Is there another way to find out a version?

                – Elvin
                10 hours ago

              • @Elvin - Why would you want to do this as a regular user?

                – Lodder
                10 hours ago

              • I'm to research a security problems in Joomla but I had never worked with web-proggramming and CMS. I need only a version of installed extensions.

                – Elvin
                9 hours ago


              the extension is an aggregate of modules, plugins and components?

              A extension, is not the combination of a component, module and plugin. This is what a package is

              Plugins, Modules, Components, Templates are all types of extensions.

              So if I'm right, than modules, plugins and components have the same versions. Is it also true?

              No. They're all separate, so they'll use different versions.

              But how to find out the version of extensions if there is no such a record?

              In your Joomla backend (admin panel), go to Extensions >> Manage >> Manage.

              This will give you a list of all installed extensions and their respective version.

              Here is an example:

              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer

              • but if I am a regular user and I am not allowed to use admin page? Is there another way to find out a version?

                – Elvin
                10 hours ago

              • @Elvin - Why would you want to do this as a regular user?

                – Lodder
                10 hours ago

              • I'm to research a security problems in Joomla but I had never worked with web-proggramming and CMS. I need only a version of installed extensions.

                – Elvin
                9 hours ago




              the extension is an aggregate of modules, plugins and components?

              A extension, is not the combination of a component, module and plugin. This is what a package is

              Plugins, Modules, Components, Templates are all types of extensions.

              So if I'm right, than modules, plugins and components have the same versions. Is it also true?

              No. They're all separate, so they'll use different versions.

              But how to find out the version of extensions if there is no such a record?

              In your Joomla backend (admin panel), go to Extensions >> Manage >> Manage.

              This will give you a list of all installed extensions and their respective version.

              Here is an example:

              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer

              the extension is an aggregate of modules, plugins and components?

              A extension, is not the combination of a component, module and plugin. This is what a package is

              Plugins, Modules, Components, Templates are all types of extensions.

              So if I'm right, than modules, plugins and components have the same versions. Is it also true?

              No. They're all separate, so they'll use different versions.

              But how to find out the version of extensions if there is no such a record?

              In your Joomla backend (admin panel), go to Extensions >> Manage >> Manage.

              This will give you a list of all installed extensions and their respective version.

              Here is an example:

              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              answered 10 hours ago


              23.5k3 gold badges35 silver badges77 bronze badges

              23.5k3 gold badges35 silver badges77 bronze badges

              • but if I am a regular user and I am not allowed to use admin page? Is there another way to find out a version?

                – Elvin
                10 hours ago

              • @Elvin - Why would you want to do this as a regular user?

                – Lodder
                10 hours ago

              • I'm to research a security problems in Joomla but I had never worked with web-proggramming and CMS. I need only a version of installed extensions.

                – Elvin
                9 hours ago

              • but if I am a regular user and I am not allowed to use admin page? Is there another way to find out a version?

                – Elvin
                10 hours ago

              • @Elvin - Why would you want to do this as a regular user?

                – Lodder
                10 hours ago

              • I'm to research a security problems in Joomla but I had never worked with web-proggramming and CMS. I need only a version of installed extensions.

                – Elvin
                9 hours ago

              but if I am a regular user and I am not allowed to use admin page? Is there another way to find out a version?

              – Elvin
              10 hours ago

              but if I am a regular user and I am not allowed to use admin page? Is there another way to find out a version?

              – Elvin
              10 hours ago

              @Elvin - Why would you want to do this as a regular user?

              – Lodder
              10 hours ago

              @Elvin - Why would you want to do this as a regular user?

              – Lodder
              10 hours ago

              I'm to research a security problems in Joomla but I had never worked with web-proggramming and CMS. I need only a version of installed extensions.

              – Elvin
              9 hours ago

              I'm to research a security problems in Joomla but I had never worked with web-proggramming and CMS. I need only a version of installed extensions.

              – Elvin
              9 hours ago


              If you're not an administrator of the site, you can't have this information in full. If you know which extensions are installed, you can check their versions by accessing their manifest files. For example, you can find out Joomla! version by accessing administrator/manifests/files/joomla.xml file.

              The closest you can get to finding out which extensions are installed is by compiling a list of as many extensions as you can find in the wild and writing a script to check if the manifest files exist on the website.

              share|improve this answer

              • then what this script about?

                – Elvin
                8 hours ago

              • 1

                The script in the link is looking at the data base table where the extensions are 'registered' and then displaying a list of name and version. Still not much good to you as you would need direct access to the database.

                – Irata
                1 hour ago


              If you're not an administrator of the site, you can't have this information in full. If you know which extensions are installed, you can check their versions by accessing their manifest files. For example, you can find out Joomla! version by accessing administrator/manifests/files/joomla.xml file.

              The closest you can get to finding out which extensions are installed is by compiling a list of as many extensions as you can find in the wild and writing a script to check if the manifest files exist on the website.

              share|improve this answer

              • then what this script about?

                – Elvin
                8 hours ago

              • 1

                The script in the link is looking at the data base table where the extensions are 'registered' and then displaying a list of name and version. Still not much good to you as you would need direct access to the database.

                – Irata
                1 hour ago




              If you're not an administrator of the site, you can't have this information in full. If you know which extensions are installed, you can check their versions by accessing their manifest files. For example, you can find out Joomla! version by accessing administrator/manifests/files/joomla.xml file.

              The closest you can get to finding out which extensions are installed is by compiling a list of as many extensions as you can find in the wild and writing a script to check if the manifest files exist on the website.

              share|improve this answer

              If you're not an administrator of the site, you can't have this information in full. If you know which extensions are installed, you can check their versions by accessing their manifest files. For example, you can find out Joomla! version by accessing administrator/manifests/files/joomla.xml file.

              The closest you can get to finding out which extensions are installed is by compiling a list of as many extensions as you can find in the wild and writing a script to check if the manifest files exist on the website.

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              answered 8 hours ago


              3,0313 silver badges10 bronze badges

              3,0313 silver badges10 bronze badges

              • then what this script about?

                – Elvin
                8 hours ago

              • 1

                The script in the link is looking at the data base table where the extensions are 'registered' and then displaying a list of name and version. Still not much good to you as you would need direct access to the database.

                – Irata
                1 hour ago

              • then what this script about?

                – Elvin
                8 hours ago

              • 1

                The script in the link is looking at the data base table where the extensions are 'registered' and then displaying a list of name and version. Still not much good to you as you would need direct access to the database.

                – Irata
                1 hour ago

              then what this script about?

              – Elvin
              8 hours ago

              then what this script about?

              – Elvin
              8 hours ago



              The script in the link is looking at the data base table where the extensions are 'registered' and then displaying a list of name and version. Still not much good to you as you would need direct access to the database.

              – Irata
              1 hour ago

              The script in the link is looking at the data base table where the extensions are 'registered' and then displaying a list of name and version. Still not much good to you as you would need direct access to the database.

              – Irata
              1 hour ago


              That information is not available to an end user or visitor to a website.

              You will either need Administrator access to the back end of Joomla or access to run a database query and unless you have hacked the site you wont have that either.

              As a public viewer of a website you are only going to be able to see what is available in the HTML being displayed. As explained in Lodder's answer Extensions are comprised of plugin, modules and components and for the most part they happen on the server side of things to build the pages that are then rendered and sent to your browser.

              Some components may display a back link or 'powered by ....' text in the footer of a page, that is by deliberate action on their part in their code, but normally plugins and modules will barely leave any trace of themselves let alone their version. A plugin executed deep in the code of Joomla that changes a value from A to B isn't going get any credits at the bottom of a page like say people who work on a Movie get listed at the end.

              You could analyse the HTML code of every page of a Joomla site and slowly build up a catalogue of breadcrumbs of evidence that an extension may or may not have had a hand in creating a page, but there would be no reliable version information. It would also take that long I would suggest you don't have that many breathes left in you.

              Perhaps if you explain more about the the research you are doing and what your requirement is then perhaps people on here could suggest an alternative approach.

              share|improve this answer


                That information is not available to an end user or visitor to a website.

                You will either need Administrator access to the back end of Joomla or access to run a database query and unless you have hacked the site you wont have that either.

                As a public viewer of a website you are only going to be able to see what is available in the HTML being displayed. As explained in Lodder's answer Extensions are comprised of plugin, modules and components and for the most part they happen on the server side of things to build the pages that are then rendered and sent to your browser.

                Some components may display a back link or 'powered by ....' text in the footer of a page, that is by deliberate action on their part in their code, but normally plugins and modules will barely leave any trace of themselves let alone their version. A plugin executed deep in the code of Joomla that changes a value from A to B isn't going get any credits at the bottom of a page like say people who work on a Movie get listed at the end.

                You could analyse the HTML code of every page of a Joomla site and slowly build up a catalogue of breadcrumbs of evidence that an extension may or may not have had a hand in creating a page, but there would be no reliable version information. It would also take that long I would suggest you don't have that many breathes left in you.

                Perhaps if you explain more about the the research you are doing and what your requirement is then perhaps people on here could suggest an alternative approach.

                share|improve this answer




                  That information is not available to an end user or visitor to a website.

                  You will either need Administrator access to the back end of Joomla or access to run a database query and unless you have hacked the site you wont have that either.

                  As a public viewer of a website you are only going to be able to see what is available in the HTML being displayed. As explained in Lodder's answer Extensions are comprised of plugin, modules and components and for the most part they happen on the server side of things to build the pages that are then rendered and sent to your browser.

                  Some components may display a back link or 'powered by ....' text in the footer of a page, that is by deliberate action on their part in their code, but normally plugins and modules will barely leave any trace of themselves let alone their version. A plugin executed deep in the code of Joomla that changes a value from A to B isn't going get any credits at the bottom of a page like say people who work on a Movie get listed at the end.

                  You could analyse the HTML code of every page of a Joomla site and slowly build up a catalogue of breadcrumbs of evidence that an extension may or may not have had a hand in creating a page, but there would be no reliable version information. It would also take that long I would suggest you don't have that many breathes left in you.

                  Perhaps if you explain more about the the research you are doing and what your requirement is then perhaps people on here could suggest an alternative approach.

                  share|improve this answer

                  That information is not available to an end user or visitor to a website.

                  You will either need Administrator access to the back end of Joomla or access to run a database query and unless you have hacked the site you wont have that either.

                  As a public viewer of a website you are only going to be able to see what is available in the HTML being displayed. As explained in Lodder's answer Extensions are comprised of plugin, modules and components and for the most part they happen on the server side of things to build the pages that are then rendered and sent to your browser.

                  Some components may display a back link or 'powered by ....' text in the footer of a page, that is by deliberate action on their part in their code, but normally plugins and modules will barely leave any trace of themselves let alone their version. A plugin executed deep in the code of Joomla that changes a value from A to B isn't going get any credits at the bottom of a page like say people who work on a Movie get listed at the end.

                  You could analyse the HTML code of every page of a Joomla site and slowly build up a catalogue of breadcrumbs of evidence that an extension may or may not have had a hand in creating a page, but there would be no reliable version information. It would also take that long I would suggest you don't have that many breathes left in you.

                  Perhaps if you explain more about the the research you are doing and what your requirement is then perhaps people on here could suggest an alternative approach.

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered 39 mins ago


                  3181 silver badge7 bronze badges

                  3181 silver badge7 bronze badges


                      As Sharky says, if you don't have administrator access to the database, the best way to find out this information is from the publicly accessible files on the website such as the xml manifest files. The security on some websites does not permit you to view these files so this method is not always reliable.

                      Even when you do have access to the manifest files, not all versions of an extension use the same manifest file.

                      For some examples, see the code below where Akeeba Backup and JCE Editor use the same manifest file for all versions but for ChronoForms and Gantry Framework, you need to check several files to get the version number.

                      // Display Akeeba Version
                      echo "<div class='item'>Akeeba Version:</div>";
                      $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba.xml");
                      if (isset($xml->version))
                      echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                      echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                      // Display JCE Version
                      echo "<div class='item'>JCE Version:</div>";
                      $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_jce/jce.xml");
                      if (isset($xml->version))
                      echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                      echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                      // Display ChronoForms Version
                      echo "<div class='item'>ChronoForms Version:</div>";
                      $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms6/chronoforms6.xml");
                      if (isset($xml->version))
                      //ChronoForms v6
                      echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                      $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms5/chronoforms5.xml");
                      if (isset($xml->version))
                      //ChronoForms v5
                      echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                      $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms/chronoforms.xml");
                      if (isset($xml->version))
                      //ChronoForms v4
                      echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                      $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronocontact/chronocontact.xml");
                      if (isset($xml->version))
                      //ChronoForms v3
                      echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                      echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                      // Display Gantry Version
                      echo "<div class='item'>Gantry Version:</div>";
                      $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry5/gantry5.xml");
                      if (isset($xml->version))
                      //Gantry v5
                      echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                      $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry/gantry.xml");
                      if (isset($xml->version))
                      //Gantry v4
                      echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                      $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry/manifest.xml");
                      if (isset($xml->version))
                      //Gantry v3
                      echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                      echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                      share|improve this answer


                        As Sharky says, if you don't have administrator access to the database, the best way to find out this information is from the publicly accessible files on the website such as the xml manifest files. The security on some websites does not permit you to view these files so this method is not always reliable.

                        Even when you do have access to the manifest files, not all versions of an extension use the same manifest file.

                        For some examples, see the code below where Akeeba Backup and JCE Editor use the same manifest file for all versions but for ChronoForms and Gantry Framework, you need to check several files to get the version number.

                        // Display Akeeba Version
                        echo "<div class='item'>Akeeba Version:</div>";
                        $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba.xml");
                        if (isset($xml->version))
                        echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                        echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                        // Display JCE Version
                        echo "<div class='item'>JCE Version:</div>";
                        $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_jce/jce.xml");
                        if (isset($xml->version))
                        echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                        echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                        // Display ChronoForms Version
                        echo "<div class='item'>ChronoForms Version:</div>";
                        $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms6/chronoforms6.xml");
                        if (isset($xml->version))
                        //ChronoForms v6
                        echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                        $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms5/chronoforms5.xml");
                        if (isset($xml->version))
                        //ChronoForms v5
                        echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                        $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms/chronoforms.xml");
                        if (isset($xml->version))
                        //ChronoForms v4
                        echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                        $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronocontact/chronocontact.xml");
                        if (isset($xml->version))
                        //ChronoForms v3
                        echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                        echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                        // Display Gantry Version
                        echo "<div class='item'>Gantry Version:</div>";
                        $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry5/gantry5.xml");
                        if (isset($xml->version))
                        //Gantry v5
                        echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                        $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry/gantry.xml");
                        if (isset($xml->version))
                        //Gantry v4
                        echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                        $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry/manifest.xml");
                        if (isset($xml->version))
                        //Gantry v3
                        echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                        echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                        share|improve this answer




                          As Sharky says, if you don't have administrator access to the database, the best way to find out this information is from the publicly accessible files on the website such as the xml manifest files. The security on some websites does not permit you to view these files so this method is not always reliable.

                          Even when you do have access to the manifest files, not all versions of an extension use the same manifest file.

                          For some examples, see the code below where Akeeba Backup and JCE Editor use the same manifest file for all versions but for ChronoForms and Gantry Framework, you need to check several files to get the version number.

                          // Display Akeeba Version
                          echo "<div class='item'>Akeeba Version:</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                          // Display JCE Version
                          echo "<div class='item'>JCE Version:</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_jce/jce.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                          // Display ChronoForms Version
                          echo "<div class='item'>ChronoForms Version:</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms6/chronoforms6.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //ChronoForms v6
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms5/chronoforms5.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //ChronoForms v5
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms/chronoforms.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //ChronoForms v4
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronocontact/chronocontact.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //ChronoForms v3
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                          // Display Gantry Version
                          echo "<div class='item'>Gantry Version:</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry5/gantry5.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //Gantry v5
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry/gantry.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //Gantry v4
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry/manifest.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //Gantry v3
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                          share|improve this answer

                          As Sharky says, if you don't have administrator access to the database, the best way to find out this information is from the publicly accessible files on the website such as the xml manifest files. The security on some websites does not permit you to view these files so this method is not always reliable.

                          Even when you do have access to the manifest files, not all versions of an extension use the same manifest file.

                          For some examples, see the code below where Akeeba Backup and JCE Editor use the same manifest file for all versions but for ChronoForms and Gantry Framework, you need to check several files to get the version number.

                          // Display Akeeba Version
                          echo "<div class='item'>Akeeba Version:</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                          // Display JCE Version
                          echo "<div class='item'>JCE Version:</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_jce/jce.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                          // Display ChronoForms Version
                          echo "<div class='item'>ChronoForms Version:</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms6/chronoforms6.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //ChronoForms v6
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms5/chronoforms5.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //ChronoForms v5
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronoforms/chronoforms.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //ChronoForms v4
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_chronocontact/chronocontact.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //ChronoForms v3
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                          // Display Gantry Version
                          echo "<div class='item'>Gantry Version:</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry5/gantry5.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //Gantry v5
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry/gantry.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //Gantry v4
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          $xml = simplexml_load_file($website . "/administrator/components/com_gantry/manifest.xml");
                          if (isset($xml->version))
                          //Gantry v3
                          echo "<div class='column'>$xml->version</div>";
                          echo "<div class='column'>Unknown</div>";

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          answered 29 mins ago

                          Neil RobertsonNeil Robertson

                          6,8492 gold badges16 silver badges55 bronze badges

                          6,8492 gold badges16 silver badges55 bronze badges

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