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Finding the nth term of sequence of 3, 10, 31, 94, 283…

Finding the nth term in a repeating number sequenceNth term of a sequencefinding nth term in a geometric sequenceFind nth term of sequenceFinding the nth term of a geometric sequenceProve that sequence $S_N(a, n, d) = ±1 pmod N$ if $N$ is prime.Finding the nth term of a numeric sequence- Newton's little formula explanationProof for nth term of the sequenceFinding the $nth$ term of a sequencenth term of the sequence 1,2,3,5,7,9…

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;



How do you work out the nth term of a sequence that's neither arithmetic or geometric where two operations are used to get from one term to the next? For example, the sequence 3, 10, 31, 94, 283 where each term is the last term multiply 3 plus 1. (i.e $u_1 = 3$ and $u_n+1 = 3u_n + 1$). Then is there a way to generalise it where $u_1 = a$ and $u_n+1 = bu_n + c$?

This problem was part of a question on the Oxford MAT. I've tried to find common differences, substitute terms and many other methods. Also I found that this problem fits in an area of maths called recurrence relations but the Wikipedia page was far too confusing for me since I'm only year 11 (grade 10), so it didn't help answer my question. I wonder if there's a simpler explanation for this problem. Thanks in advance

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FailToWinPRO is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 2

    The differences are $$7,21=3cdot 7,63=9cdot 7,189=27cdot 7$$
    – Dr. Sonnhard Graubner
    9 hours ago



How do you work out the nth term of a sequence that's neither arithmetic or geometric where two operations are used to get from one term to the next? For example, the sequence 3, 10, 31, 94, 283 where each term is the last term multiply 3 plus 1. (i.e $u_1 = 3$ and $u_n+1 = 3u_n + 1$). Then is there a way to generalise it where $u_1 = a$ and $u_n+1 = bu_n + c$?

This problem was part of a question on the Oxford MAT. I've tried to find common differences, substitute terms and many other methods. Also I found that this problem fits in an area of maths called recurrence relations but the Wikipedia page was far too confusing for me since I'm only year 11 (grade 10), so it didn't help answer my question. I wonder if there's a simpler explanation for this problem. Thanks in advance

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FailToWinPRO is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


  • 2

    The differences are $$7,21=3cdot 7,63=9cdot 7,189=27cdot 7$$
    – Dr. Sonnhard Graubner
    9 hours ago





How do you work out the nth term of a sequence that's neither arithmetic or geometric where two operations are used to get from one term to the next? For example, the sequence 3, 10, 31, 94, 283 where each term is the last term multiply 3 plus 1. (i.e $u_1 = 3$ and $u_n+1 = 3u_n + 1$). Then is there a way to generalise it where $u_1 = a$ and $u_n+1 = bu_n + c$?

This problem was part of a question on the Oxford MAT. I've tried to find common differences, substitute terms and many other methods. Also I found that this problem fits in an area of maths called recurrence relations but the Wikipedia page was far too confusing for me since I'm only year 11 (grade 10), so it didn't help answer my question. I wonder if there's a simpler explanation for this problem. Thanks in advance

share|cite|improve this question

New contributor

FailToWinPRO is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


How do you work out the nth term of a sequence that's neither arithmetic or geometric where two operations are used to get from one term to the next? For example, the sequence 3, 10, 31, 94, 283 where each term is the last term multiply 3 plus 1. (i.e $u_1 = 3$ and $u_n+1 = 3u_n + 1$). Then is there a way to generalise it where $u_1 = a$ and $u_n+1 = bu_n + c$?

This problem was part of a question on the Oxford MAT. I've tried to find common differences, substitute terms and many other methods. Also I found that this problem fits in an area of maths called recurrence relations but the Wikipedia page was far too confusing for me since I'm only year 11 (grade 10), so it didn't help answer my question. I wonder if there's a simpler explanation for this problem. Thanks in advance


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FailToWinPRO is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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FailToWinPRO is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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edited 9 hours ago

Greg Martin

37.9k2 gold badges35 silver badges66 bronze badges

37.9k2 gold badges35 silver badges66 bronze badges

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FailToWinPRO is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked 9 hours ago


82 bronze badges

82 bronze badges

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FailToWinPRO is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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New contributor

FailToWinPRO is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 2

    The differences are $$7,21=3cdot 7,63=9cdot 7,189=27cdot 7$$
    – Dr. Sonnhard Graubner
    9 hours ago

  • 2

    The differences are $$7,21=3cdot 7,63=9cdot 7,189=27cdot 7$$
    – Dr. Sonnhard Graubner
    9 hours ago



The differences are $$7,21=3cdot 7,63=9cdot 7,189=27cdot 7$$
– Dr. Sonnhard Graubner
9 hours ago

The differences are $$7,21=3cdot 7,63=9cdot 7,189=27cdot 7$$
– Dr. Sonnhard Graubner
9 hours ago

5 Answers






There's a nice trick for recursive sequences of this type, where $u_n+1$ is a linear function of $u_n$: find a constant $r$ such that $u_n+1-r$ is a constant multiple of $u_n-r$. In this case, the multiplication factor in the linear function is $3$, so we're searching for an $r$ with $u_n+1-r = 3(u_n-r)$. Solving for $r$:
u_n+1-r &= 3(u_n-r) \
(3u_n+1)-r &= 3u_n-3r \
1+2r &= 0 \
r &= -tfrac12.

Why does this help us? Because $u_n+1+frac12 = 3(u_n+frac12)$, it's easy to prove by induction that $u_n+frac12 = 3^n-1(u_1+frac12)$ for all $nge1$. (In other words, this slightly shifted version of the sequence really is geometric.) Solving for $u_n$:
u_n+tfrac12 &= 3^n-1(u_1+tfrac12) \
u_n &= 3^n-1(3+tfrac12)-tfrac12 \
u_n &= tfrac12(7cdot3^n-1-1).

(Of course there's some formula we could memorize that gives the answer immediately, which is fine ... but it's always best to know how such formulas are derived in the first place.)

share|cite|improve this answer


  • $begingroup$
    Thanks, that result seems correct. However, although it's probably obvious, I can't quite wrap my head around the proof by induction. Could you give a detailed step by step of why since $u_n+1 + frac12 = 3(u_n + frac12), u_n + frac12 = 3^n-1(u_1+ frac12)$ is true?
    – FailToWinPRO
    8 hours ago



Observe that



Let us define $a_n=u_n-u_n-1$, then the above equation can be written as
This gives us

vdots & =vdots\

If we multiply these out, we get


So we have
$$u_n+1-u_n=3^n-1(u_2-u_1)=3^n-1 ,7.$$

Now add these:

u_2-u_1 &=3^0 ,7\
u_3-u_2 &=3^1 ,7\
u_4-u_3 &=3^2 ,7\
vdots & =vdots\
u_n+1-u_n &=3^n-1 ,7

To get
$$u_n+1-u_1=7(3^0+3^1+dotsb +3^n-1)$$

$$u_n+1=7left(frac3^n-12right)+3 =frac12left(7. , 3^n-1right)quad text for n geq

In fact, you can test that validity of this expression by plugging $n=0$ to get $u_1=3$, with $n=1$ we get $u_2=10$ and so on.

share|cite|improve this answer


  • 1

    This doesn't require any tool beyond what you may have already seen in high school mathematics.
    – Anurag A
    8 hours ago



Try writing down the first few terms then observe how the coefficients are truncated. if the first term is $u_1$,

I found that the $n^th$ term is:

$$u_n = b^n-1u_1 + c*sum_i=2^n a^n-i$$

share|cite|improve this answer


  • $begingroup$
    In your case, take $u_1=3$, $b = 3$, $c = 1$.
    – Book Book Book
    9 hours ago



Set $v_n=u_n+a$ to try to get the recurrence to be $v_n+1=3v_n$. So, you want
that is
Therefore you want $a=1/2$. So the sequence $v_n$ is $7/2$, $21/2$, $63/2$ etc. Then

share|cite|improve this answer




    I have worked out this sum for your sequence: $$u_n=left (sum_i=0^n3^i right ) - 3^n-1$$. You can easily find it if you substitute recursively values in the formula. For example for $n=4$ it's $3^4+3^2+3^1+1$. I obtain a geometric progression (but there isn't $3^3$) and the sum in general is: $$u_n=frac1-3^n+11-3-3^n-1$$.
    In the end: $$u_n=frac12(3^n+1-1)-3^n-1$$

    For the second question: $$u_n=ab^n-1+sum_i=0^n-1cb^i=ab^n-1+frac(cb)^n-1-1cb-1$$

    share|cite|improve this answer

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    Matteo is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      5 Answers




      5 Answers












      There's a nice trick for recursive sequences of this type, where $u_n+1$ is a linear function of $u_n$: find a constant $r$ such that $u_n+1-r$ is a constant multiple of $u_n-r$. In this case, the multiplication factor in the linear function is $3$, so we're searching for an $r$ with $u_n+1-r = 3(u_n-r)$. Solving for $r$:
      u_n+1-r &= 3(u_n-r) \
      (3u_n+1)-r &= 3u_n-3r \
      1+2r &= 0 \
      r &= -tfrac12.

      Why does this help us? Because $u_n+1+frac12 = 3(u_n+frac12)$, it's easy to prove by induction that $u_n+frac12 = 3^n-1(u_1+frac12)$ for all $nge1$. (In other words, this slightly shifted version of the sequence really is geometric.) Solving for $u_n$:
      u_n+tfrac12 &= 3^n-1(u_1+tfrac12) \
      u_n &= 3^n-1(3+tfrac12)-tfrac12 \
      u_n &= tfrac12(7cdot3^n-1-1).

      (Of course there's some formula we could memorize that gives the answer immediately, which is fine ... but it's always best to know how such formulas are derived in the first place.)

      share|cite|improve this answer


      • $begingroup$
        Thanks, that result seems correct. However, although it's probably obvious, I can't quite wrap my head around the proof by induction. Could you give a detailed step by step of why since $u_n+1 + frac12 = 3(u_n + frac12), u_n + frac12 = 3^n-1(u_1+ frac12)$ is true?
        – FailToWinPRO
        8 hours ago



      There's a nice trick for recursive sequences of this type, where $u_n+1$ is a linear function of $u_n$: find a constant $r$ such that $u_n+1-r$ is a constant multiple of $u_n-r$. In this case, the multiplication factor in the linear function is $3$, so we're searching for an $r$ with $u_n+1-r = 3(u_n-r)$. Solving for $r$:
      u_n+1-r &= 3(u_n-r) \
      (3u_n+1)-r &= 3u_n-3r \
      1+2r &= 0 \
      r &= -tfrac12.

      Why does this help us? Because $u_n+1+frac12 = 3(u_n+frac12)$, it's easy to prove by induction that $u_n+frac12 = 3^n-1(u_1+frac12)$ for all $nge1$. (In other words, this slightly shifted version of the sequence really is geometric.) Solving for $u_n$:
      u_n+tfrac12 &= 3^n-1(u_1+tfrac12) \
      u_n &= 3^n-1(3+tfrac12)-tfrac12 \
      u_n &= tfrac12(7cdot3^n-1-1).

      (Of course there's some formula we could memorize that gives the answer immediately, which is fine ... but it's always best to know how such formulas are derived in the first place.)

      share|cite|improve this answer


      • $begingroup$
        Thanks, that result seems correct. However, although it's probably obvious, I can't quite wrap my head around the proof by induction. Could you give a detailed step by step of why since $u_n+1 + frac12 = 3(u_n + frac12), u_n + frac12 = 3^n-1(u_1+ frac12)$ is true?
        – FailToWinPRO
        8 hours ago





      There's a nice trick for recursive sequences of this type, where $u_n+1$ is a linear function of $u_n$: find a constant $r$ such that $u_n+1-r$ is a constant multiple of $u_n-r$. In this case, the multiplication factor in the linear function is $3$, so we're searching for an $r$ with $u_n+1-r = 3(u_n-r)$. Solving for $r$:
      u_n+1-r &= 3(u_n-r) \
      (3u_n+1)-r &= 3u_n-3r \
      1+2r &= 0 \
      r &= -tfrac12.

      Why does this help us? Because $u_n+1+frac12 = 3(u_n+frac12)$, it's easy to prove by induction that $u_n+frac12 = 3^n-1(u_1+frac12)$ for all $nge1$. (In other words, this slightly shifted version of the sequence really is geometric.) Solving for $u_n$:
      u_n+tfrac12 &= 3^n-1(u_1+tfrac12) \
      u_n &= 3^n-1(3+tfrac12)-tfrac12 \
      u_n &= tfrac12(7cdot3^n-1-1).

      (Of course there's some formula we could memorize that gives the answer immediately, which is fine ... but it's always best to know how such formulas are derived in the first place.)

      share|cite|improve this answer


      There's a nice trick for recursive sequences of this type, where $u_n+1$ is a linear function of $u_n$: find a constant $r$ such that $u_n+1-r$ is a constant multiple of $u_n-r$. In this case, the multiplication factor in the linear function is $3$, so we're searching for an $r$ with $u_n+1-r = 3(u_n-r)$. Solving for $r$:
      u_n+1-r &= 3(u_n-r) \
      (3u_n+1)-r &= 3u_n-3r \
      1+2r &= 0 \
      r &= -tfrac12.

      Why does this help us? Because $u_n+1+frac12 = 3(u_n+frac12)$, it's easy to prove by induction that $u_n+frac12 = 3^n-1(u_1+frac12)$ for all $nge1$. (In other words, this slightly shifted version of the sequence really is geometric.) Solving for $u_n$:
      u_n+tfrac12 &= 3^n-1(u_1+tfrac12) \
      u_n &= 3^n-1(3+tfrac12)-tfrac12 \
      u_n &= tfrac12(7cdot3^n-1-1).

      (Of course there's some formula we could memorize that gives the answer immediately, which is fine ... but it's always best to know how such formulas are derived in the first place.)

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      answered 9 hours ago

      Greg MartinGreg Martin

      37.9k2 gold badges35 silver badges66 bronze badges

      37.9k2 gold badges35 silver badges66 bronze badges

      • $begingroup$
        Thanks, that result seems correct. However, although it's probably obvious, I can't quite wrap my head around the proof by induction. Could you give a detailed step by step of why since $u_n+1 + frac12 = 3(u_n + frac12), u_n + frac12 = 3^n-1(u_1+ frac12)$ is true?
        – FailToWinPRO
        8 hours ago

      • $begingroup$
        Thanks, that result seems correct. However, although it's probably obvious, I can't quite wrap my head around the proof by induction. Could you give a detailed step by step of why since $u_n+1 + frac12 = 3(u_n + frac12), u_n + frac12 = 3^n-1(u_1+ frac12)$ is true?
        – FailToWinPRO
        8 hours ago

      Thanks, that result seems correct. However, although it's probably obvious, I can't quite wrap my head around the proof by induction. Could you give a detailed step by step of why since $u_n+1 + frac12 = 3(u_n + frac12), u_n + frac12 = 3^n-1(u_1+ frac12)$ is true?
      – FailToWinPRO
      8 hours ago

      Thanks, that result seems correct. However, although it's probably obvious, I can't quite wrap my head around the proof by induction. Could you give a detailed step by step of why since $u_n+1 + frac12 = 3(u_n + frac12), u_n + frac12 = 3^n-1(u_1+ frac12)$ is true?
      – FailToWinPRO
      8 hours ago



      Observe that



      Let us define $a_n=u_n-u_n-1$, then the above equation can be written as
      This gives us

      vdots & =vdots\

      If we multiply these out, we get


      So we have
      $$u_n+1-u_n=3^n-1(u_2-u_1)=3^n-1 ,7.$$

      Now add these:

      u_2-u_1 &=3^0 ,7\
      u_3-u_2 &=3^1 ,7\
      u_4-u_3 &=3^2 ,7\
      vdots & =vdots\
      u_n+1-u_n &=3^n-1 ,7

      To get
      $$u_n+1-u_1=7(3^0+3^1+dotsb +3^n-1)$$

      $$u_n+1=7left(frac3^n-12right)+3 =frac12left(7. , 3^n-1right)quad text for n geq

      In fact, you can test that validity of this expression by plugging $n=0$ to get $u_1=3$, with $n=1$ we get $u_2=10$ and so on.

      share|cite|improve this answer


      • 1

        This doesn't require any tool beyond what you may have already seen in high school mathematics.
        – Anurag A
        8 hours ago



      Observe that



      Let us define $a_n=u_n-u_n-1$, then the above equation can be written as
      This gives us

      vdots & =vdots\

      If we multiply these out, we get


      So we have
      $$u_n+1-u_n=3^n-1(u_2-u_1)=3^n-1 ,7.$$

      Now add these:

      u_2-u_1 &=3^0 ,7\
      u_3-u_2 &=3^1 ,7\
      u_4-u_3 &=3^2 ,7\
      vdots & =vdots\
      u_n+1-u_n &=3^n-1 ,7

      To get
      $$u_n+1-u_1=7(3^0+3^1+dotsb +3^n-1)$$

      $$u_n+1=7left(frac3^n-12right)+3 =frac12left(7. , 3^n-1right)quad text for n geq

      In fact, you can test that validity of this expression by plugging $n=0$ to get $u_1=3$, with $n=1$ we get $u_2=10$ and so on.

      share|cite|improve this answer


      • 1

        This doesn't require any tool beyond what you may have already seen in high school mathematics.
        – Anurag A
        8 hours ago





      Observe that



      Let us define $a_n=u_n-u_n-1$, then the above equation can be written as
      This gives us

      vdots & =vdots\

      If we multiply these out, we get


      So we have
      $$u_n+1-u_n=3^n-1(u_2-u_1)=3^n-1 ,7.$$

      Now add these:

      u_2-u_1 &=3^0 ,7\
      u_3-u_2 &=3^1 ,7\
      u_4-u_3 &=3^2 ,7\
      vdots & =vdots\
      u_n+1-u_n &=3^n-1 ,7

      To get
      $$u_n+1-u_1=7(3^0+3^1+dotsb +3^n-1)$$

      $$u_n+1=7left(frac3^n-12right)+3 =frac12left(7. , 3^n-1right)quad text for n geq

      In fact, you can test that validity of this expression by plugging $n=0$ to get $u_1=3$, with $n=1$ we get $u_2=10$ and so on.

      share|cite|improve this answer


      Observe that



      Let us define $a_n=u_n-u_n-1$, then the above equation can be written as
      This gives us

      vdots & =vdots\

      If we multiply these out, we get


      So we have
      $$u_n+1-u_n=3^n-1(u_2-u_1)=3^n-1 ,7.$$

      Now add these:

      u_2-u_1 &=3^0 ,7\
      u_3-u_2 &=3^1 ,7\
      u_4-u_3 &=3^2 ,7\
      vdots & =vdots\
      u_n+1-u_n &=3^n-1 ,7

      To get
      $$u_n+1-u_1=7(3^0+3^1+dotsb +3^n-1)$$

      $$u_n+1=7left(frac3^n-12right)+3 =frac12left(7. , 3^n-1right)quad text for n geq

      In fact, you can test that validity of this expression by plugging $n=0$ to get $u_1=3$, with $n=1$ we get $u_2=10$ and so on.

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      edited 8 hours ago

      answered 9 hours ago

      Anurag AAnurag A

      28.1k1 gold badge23 silver badges52 bronze badges

      28.1k1 gold badge23 silver badges52 bronze badges

      • 1

        This doesn't require any tool beyond what you may have already seen in high school mathematics.
        – Anurag A
        8 hours ago

      • 1

        This doesn't require any tool beyond what you may have already seen in high school mathematics.
        – Anurag A
        8 hours ago



      This doesn't require any tool beyond what you may have already seen in high school mathematics.
      – Anurag A
      8 hours ago

      This doesn't require any tool beyond what you may have already seen in high school mathematics.
      – Anurag A
      8 hours ago



      Try writing down the first few terms then observe how the coefficients are truncated. if the first term is $u_1$,

      I found that the $n^th$ term is:

      $$u_n = b^n-1u_1 + c*sum_i=2^n a^n-i$$

      share|cite|improve this answer


      • $begingroup$
        In your case, take $u_1=3$, $b = 3$, $c = 1$.
        – Book Book Book
        9 hours ago



      Try writing down the first few terms then observe how the coefficients are truncated. if the first term is $u_1$,

      I found that the $n^th$ term is:

      $$u_n = b^n-1u_1 + c*sum_i=2^n a^n-i$$

      share|cite|improve this answer


      • $begingroup$
        In your case, take $u_1=3$, $b = 3$, $c = 1$.
        – Book Book Book
        9 hours ago





      Try writing down the first few terms then observe how the coefficients are truncated. if the first term is $u_1$,

      I found that the $n^th$ term is:

      $$u_n = b^n-1u_1 + c*sum_i=2^n a^n-i$$

      share|cite|improve this answer


      Try writing down the first few terms then observe how the coefficients are truncated. if the first term is $u_1$,

      I found that the $n^th$ term is:

      $$u_n = b^n-1u_1 + c*sum_i=2^n a^n-i$$

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      answered 9 hours ago

      Book Book BookBook Book Book

      4897 bronze badges

      4897 bronze badges

      • $begingroup$
        In your case, take $u_1=3$, $b = 3$, $c = 1$.
        – Book Book Book
        9 hours ago

      • $begingroup$
        In your case, take $u_1=3$, $b = 3$, $c = 1$.
        – Book Book Book
        9 hours ago

      In your case, take $u_1=3$, $b = 3$, $c = 1$.
      – Book Book Book
      9 hours ago

      In your case, take $u_1=3$, $b = 3$, $c = 1$.
      – Book Book Book
      9 hours ago



      Set $v_n=u_n+a$ to try to get the recurrence to be $v_n+1=3v_n$. So, you want
      that is
      Therefore you want $a=1/2$. So the sequence $v_n$ is $7/2$, $21/2$, $63/2$ etc. Then

      share|cite|improve this answer




        Set $v_n=u_n+a$ to try to get the recurrence to be $v_n+1=3v_n$. So, you want
        that is
        Therefore you want $a=1/2$. So the sequence $v_n$ is $7/2$, $21/2$, $63/2$ etc. Then

        share|cite|improve this answer






          Set $v_n=u_n+a$ to try to get the recurrence to be $v_n+1=3v_n$. So, you want
          that is
          Therefore you want $a=1/2$. So the sequence $v_n$ is $7/2$, $21/2$, $63/2$ etc. Then

          share|cite|improve this answer


          Set $v_n=u_n+a$ to try to get the recurrence to be $v_n+1=3v_n$. So, you want
          that is
          Therefore you want $a=1/2$. So the sequence $v_n$ is $7/2$, $21/2$, $63/2$ etc. Then

          share|cite|improve this answer

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          answered 9 hours ago

          Lord Shark the UnknownLord Shark the Unknown

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          116k11 gold badges67 silver badges147 bronze badges



              I have worked out this sum for your sequence: $$u_n=left (sum_i=0^n3^i right ) - 3^n-1$$. You can easily find it if you substitute recursively values in the formula. For example for $n=4$ it's $3^4+3^2+3^1+1$. I obtain a geometric progression (but there isn't $3^3$) and the sum in general is: $$u_n=frac1-3^n+11-3-3^n-1$$.
              In the end: $$u_n=frac12(3^n+1-1)-3^n-1$$

              For the second question: $$u_n=ab^n-1+sum_i=0^n-1cb^i=ab^n-1+frac(cb)^n-1-1cb-1$$

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              Matteo is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                I have worked out this sum for your sequence: $$u_n=left (sum_i=0^n3^i right ) - 3^n-1$$. You can easily find it if you substitute recursively values in the formula. For example for $n=4$ it's $3^4+3^2+3^1+1$. I obtain a geometric progression (but there isn't $3^3$) and the sum in general is: $$u_n=frac1-3^n+11-3-3^n-1$$.
                In the end: $$u_n=frac12(3^n+1-1)-3^n-1$$

                For the second question: $$u_n=ab^n-1+sum_i=0^n-1cb^i=ab^n-1+frac(cb)^n-1-1cb-1$$

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                Matteo is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                  I have worked out this sum for your sequence: $$u_n=left (sum_i=0^n3^i right ) - 3^n-1$$. You can easily find it if you substitute recursively values in the formula. For example for $n=4$ it's $3^4+3^2+3^1+1$. I obtain a geometric progression (but there isn't $3^3$) and the sum in general is: $$u_n=frac1-3^n+11-3-3^n-1$$.
                  In the end: $$u_n=frac12(3^n+1-1)-3^n-1$$

                  For the second question: $$u_n=ab^n-1+sum_i=0^n-1cb^i=ab^n-1+frac(cb)^n-1-1cb-1$$

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                  I have worked out this sum for your sequence: $$u_n=left (sum_i=0^n3^i right ) - 3^n-1$$. You can easily find it if you substitute recursively values in the formula. For example for $n=4$ it's $3^4+3^2+3^1+1$. I obtain a geometric progression (but there isn't $3^3$) and the sum in general is: $$u_n=frac1-3^n+11-3-3^n-1$$.
                  In the end: $$u_n=frac12(3^n+1-1)-3^n-1$$

                  For the second question: $$u_n=ab^n-1+sum_i=0^n-1cb^i=ab^n-1+frac(cb)^n-1-1cb-1$$

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                  edited 7 hours ago

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                  answered 8 hours ago


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